TLT - 5.

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Ugh, where the heck is my bestfriend? What took her so long? Too bad I can't text her or if ever she messaged me,I can't read them cuz my phone's out of battery and my charger is missing. What a life.

"Dad, do you have Trish's phone number?" I asked my dad who's reading a newspaper.

"But of course. My phone's upstairs," He said as he turned the paper to the next page.

I went to his room and spotted the phone immediately. It was on his cabinet. I grabbed it and when I turned it on, it says that I have one new message from Trish.

| From: Trish

Uncle, is Janine there? She won't reply to my texts nor answer my calls. Maybe her phone's out of battery? Anyway, can you please tell her that I'm already outside waiting for her? Thanks, uncle! |

Wait, she's already outside? But why didn't I see her?

Wait.. Don't tell me that she was waiting outside of our old house? We just moved in this house, and..

Fvck! I forgot to tell her that we just moved in! Damn! I have to find her before she'll be in trouble!

| To: Trish

Trish, this is Janine. Where are you? |

Oh my gaaad. What will I do?! She's even sick and I'm worsening it. Just what kind of a bestfriend am I?! I should've been the one who'll go at their place.

"Hey baby even though I really hate you, I wanna love you, I want you oh oh"

The heck? Why is Ariana Grande's Problem his ringtone? Is my dad gay?

| From: Trish

Janine? Janny? Oh you guys know each other? Anyway, she's at St. Benedict Hospital right now. Please come here right away. |

Hospital?! Sh-she got harmed.. and it's all my fault. I'm not worthy to be her bestfriend.


"Ah, nurse? What room is Janine Salvador in?" I asked the nurse who's currently on the phone.

"Uhm, let's see.." She said while scanning the pages. "Room 230."

"Thank you."

Nicolette's P.O.V

"W-where am I?" Trish asked while scratching her head and looking around the place.

"I found you lying at Janny's old house."

"Old?" She gave me a confused look. Wait, she wasn't informed by Janny?

I nodded. "Indeed. They moved 2 days ago."

She sighed. "Why didn't my bestfriend told me?" I feel sorry for her..

"I think she didn't have time to tell you.. or she just forgot to inform you. Anyway, she's on her way here so.. don't worry." I smiled at her.

*tok tok tok*

I stood up and opened the door. Janny was standing, heavily breathing. She ran all the way here?

I waved at her as a way of greeting her, and she waved back. After that, she immediately went near Trish and looked at her for a bit.

"Trish... I'm sorry." She hugged her bestfriend and started to cry. Aww, just by looking at them, you'll get teary-eyed.

Trish hugged Janny back. "Pffft. It's okay. I just fainted. It isn't really a big deal so you don't have to worry anymore. I'm alright, and that's what's important, right?"

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