TLT - 8.

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Monday morning. Another day of going to hell - oops, I mean school.

I went to the kitchen and saw a plate with garlic rice and sausages on it. I found a note beside it and read what's written on it.

"Eat your breakfast, Janine!


Ugh, could it be that she went to work early? Or she went to her friend's place and have an exercise? I don't understand my mom. She always exercise even though she's already slim. Pfft.


I remembered it again. I tried to take it off my mind but it's impossible. No matter what I try to do, it won't erase. What could that really mean? So suspicious.

You LOL I LOL you?
You Lolo I Lolo you? (LOL what)


Could it be..


Pfft, no way! There's no way that could be the one. I mean, no guy will ever fall for someone as ugly as me right? Janine, stop keeping your hopes up! You don't even have a clue of what love is! So, don't be stupid.

Err, I'll just take a bath. I'm so stinky that no one will dare to come near me. Lol.

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