TLT - 7.

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Nicolette's P.O.V

I have been waiting for Janny's reply for 1 hour already, yet, until now, still, no response. Could it be that her phone's out of battery? Or she doesn't have enough load? Or maybe she's jealous? Wait, what? Where did that come from? I mean, Janny still hasn't experienced love until now.

Anyway, let's put that aside for now. I still have to deal with somebody here.

"Give me a chance, please." He begged, holding my hands tighter. Lol, he looks like a little child begging. But somehow, I think I wanna hug him. My heart says so. But ugh, why am I feeling this way? I don't even know this guy yet I get the feeling of hugging him?

I thought about what he said. Should I give him a chance? Should I fall in love with him again just like I did before?

I just thought about this now, but what is the cause of our breakup? How did we broke up? Why did we broke up? Did I hurt him? Or he was the one who hurt me?

"I get the feeling that I don't wanna give you a chance because -"
"I'm sorry about what happened to us." We spoke at the same time.

He apologized to me for what happened to us? So he really did hurt him.. Or I may be the one who hurt him.

"I said I'm sorry." He told me and looked away.

Is it something big? Did he really did something horrible to me that I myself cannot forgive him?

"Wait, wait. I don't understand." I sighed. "What happened before? Why are you apologizing?"

He looked at me. "Do you really wanna know why?"

I nodded.

"Fine, then." He lowered his head. "I told you that I didn't loved you since we started dating."

"Happy birthday, Baby! I love you!" I greeted and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Uhh.. Thanks, Nicole." He told me in a boring way and looked at the sky. Is there something wrong with him? And why did he called me by my first name? He always calls me by our callsign, baby.

"Baby, is something wrong?" I asked him while examining his face and pouting.

He gritted his teeth, stood up and pointed at me. "You're my problem!"

What's gotten into him? He's getting weirder and weirder everyday. Could it be.. He's annoyed of me? Or he doesn'y love me anymore?

"But baby.. Do you still love-"

"Love you?! A girl like you who's not even worthy to be loved? Pfft. I'd rather be Sabrina's boyfriend. Even though she's fat and she doesn't have the looks, but she's worth loving for."

I was speechless after he said that. I mean all this time, he was pretending that he loved me? How ridiculous.. How stupid!

"Yeah, you're right." I didn't realize that I was already crying..

"I beg you, please get out of my life already."

"Okay." I smiled at him. You know, a plastic one. It's hard to accept this but what can I do? I told him that I'll do anything for him.

He turned his back and started walking. I cried even harder while looking at him walk away. It's like seeing my father leaving me.

He stopped walking and looked at his right shoulder. "By the way, I never loved you since we started dating. I hope you understand that." Then he started walking again.

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