Chapter Seven: Orion

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     'Evangeline! DeeDee! We're gonna be late!' Orion bellowed.
He grabbed a banana from the fruit bowl and fished through the folders on the counter. He pulled free his textbook and notepad, then, holding out a bottle of water, waited. Two girls stumbled towards him, one pulling a cream cardigan over her head, the other grappling with her blonde hair whilst trying to jump into a pair of dark boots.

Evangeline groaned at her cardigan, having tugged it on backwards. Orion chuckled as she righted it before grinning at Orion and took the water out of his outstretched hand.
     'You take such good care of us!' she joked.
A playful tug on his braid followed, he let out a happy scoff and swiped the top of her head.
     'Angelus Annabel is going to yell at us again.'
     'Did the others leave for class already?' DeeDee wailed.

They clattered down the stairwell. The weather outside was still grey and after their fitness and relaxation session this morning, Evangeline and DeeDee had insisted on changing and Orion hadn't minded following them. The two angyali-to-be, were witty and fun to be around. They were confident, attractive girls who had come to adore him. Not that he was aware of giving either any reason to be so fond of him. They considered his and Zeru's positions, as the first male Angyali mentees, something to revere, not feel shame.

As Evangeline and DeeDee bickered about the benefits of wearing something called Ugg's, over suede boots, Orion sauntered along behind them. Brought up by two parents who had followed the warrior path, Orion had never imagined he'd be forced to face a future where he didn't train in the skills of weaponry and combat. He thought back to his first night here. He'd been so angry and frustrated. Even though he had no idea what the Angelus tutors taught; he'd rejected the very fact he belonged at Angelus Academy. Evangeline though, had been oblivious to this world, hidden within the mortal playne, Earth, until the day before she arrived and her innocence to everything, quite honestly saved him from falling into a dark chasm.

Together with Zeru, they were discovering the magnificence of this part of the Intra Terci through her fresh eyes. He looked at Evangeline now, Orion smiled to himself. Her creamy skin, set against midnight raven hair, and large eyes that blended between mahogany and hazel, were rightly captivating. Orion had begun to get intrigued as to how glorious she might look when wide, powerful, white wings stretched out from her back.

She turned to pull him faster and laughed, just because she wanted to. He wasn't alone in his interest; their entire group was curious about Evangeline's past. Some very big secrets seemed to harbour there. Evangeline herself hid her need for answers rather well.
     'Are you listening Orion?' she repeated.
Her comfortable behaviour around him came out when she shouldered him as they turned a corner and reached the classroom.
     'Sorry, what?' he muttered as DeeDee flung open the door.

All three sighed in relief, today their tutor seemed to be late also. In a rush they filed in, Orion dropping into a seat next to Zeru. Evangeline sat on his other side between Zeru and Tien who was tilting her chair back in the corner. DeeDee took up the chair directly behind Evangeline; nodding to Brianna who was sat quietly next to the back wall. Flicking the back of Evangeline's head, DeeDee turned to Orion.
     'Did you read the chapter on Intra Terci formation ritual?' she asked.
Orion nodded, and DeeDee huffed, slumping back in the chair.
     'Uh oh, busted!' Evangeline said.
The girl bit down on her tongue, which was poking out in jest and she winked at the now raging blonde.
     'Evangeline! You promised me you and Orion hadn't got around to that section! Am I alone in the non-reading court?'
The gang nodded, and DeeDee scowled. Orion laughed at her expression. She crossed her arms and huffed again, cold shouldering the whole lot of them for a moment.

Their dorm had been put together expertly. Between Evangeline, DeeDee and Tien's humour and ability to roll jokes off each other, the pair now poking at DeeDee and cooing her out of her grump. Mixed with Zeru and Brianna's quiet control over the madness, which they currently channelled into moving books and paperwork as the other three intensified their poking battle.

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