Chapter Four: Evangeline

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Evangeline clenched her fists. Aurelia and Walker had already exited the car but in that moment, Evangeline couldn't move. Was she really going to do this? Accept that she might be something, someone, completely different to what she always believed. Taking a calming breath, she looked out the car window. An elderly woman had appeared next to the twins and her liquid honey eyes pierced Evangeline. Evangeline placed a damp palm on the door handle, blew out a breath and clambered from of the Volvo.

The old woman bowed a little to Evangeline, who awkwardly dipped her head a fraction, uncertainty washing over her entire body. Walker clapped his hand on her shoulder.
     'Well good luck newbie!'
     'It was a pleasure escorting you.' Aurelia smiled.
Her gentle touch on Evangeline's face made her eyes sting. She spluttered like a fish out of water.
     'You're leaving!? What about my uncle? What do I do?!'
Questions fought each other to be voiced. Walker came back round the car, put his index finger against her forehead and pushed her backwards.
     'Angelus Marguerite will explain everything; I have to get back to Warriod. And Aurelia has her duties to return to.' When Evangeline's eyes watered, he clucked her under the chin, 'I'm sure we'll see you soon.'

Evangeline stood back and nodded, on an exhale she centred herself and ordered her emotions to calm and focus. Strength filling her gaze as the car pulled away from the grand oak doorway. Angelus Marguerite, watching Evangeline, a thoughtful look on her face, opened her wrinkled mouth and spoke. Her voice one of authority and deserved respect, Evangeline immediately paid attention.
     'Evangeline, it is good to finally meet you. Your uncle speaks most highly of you. Come, you must be exhausted.'

Evangeline nodded mutely, finding it both hard and easy to meet those knowing eyes. As they made to step in a side doorway beside the grand archway doors, another car pulled up to the thick, engraved, wooded gates. An imposing, well-built male stepped from the mini bus, his large frame oozing the deadly confidence of a well-trained warrior. A dark Celtic styled tattoo wrapped around a thick left arm, running from his shoulder blade to his mid forearm. His eyes swept the area and fell briefly on Evangeline, whose smile was sheepish.
     'Angelus Marguerite, I have two students for you... Their testing continually comes up the same, an interesting twist for this class of newlings.' the man stated.

Evangeline was tempted to let out a chuckle, for the way the man had said 'interesting' made it sound like it was anything but. Marguerite inclined her head and he pulled open the sliding door. Two guys roughly Evangeline's age, got shyly out of the car. Evangeline almost didn't hear the older woman's tiny gasp,
     'Are you sure Thantos?'
     'Checked their blood twice and tested their instinctual responses four times. It makes no sense but it's all there.'
Thantos shrugged a large shoulder after his words, motioning the two people forward. Marguerite took Thantos aside and their voices grew quiet.

Evangeline chewed at her lip in the awkward silence swirling around the three of them. The two boys looked miserable. Although as Evangeline caught their gaze warmth filled her, as if they were a source of comfort she had been missing. From the widening gazes, she figured they too felt the odd draw rising up between them.
     'Evangeline... Hi.' she offered.
     'Zeru. Nice to meet you.'
Evangeline smiled, and stepped a little closer to the pair of them. Zeru who seemed the younger of the two held out his hand, which Evangeline shook happily. His eyes were fascinating, one blue and one a hazel green. A genetic mutation, if she remembered the X-Men quote correctly. He had a mop of dark blonde hair and an innocent face. His eyes captivated her until blushing she realised, she'd been staring.
     'It's okay, most people get fixed on my eyes.' he admitted, blushing also. Evangeline laughed lightly before letting go of his hand making an apologetic face.
     'They're fantastic! So, umm, you two are to be,' Evangeline paused, quickly remembering Aurelia's advice on correct phrasing, 'Angyali too?'
     'So it would seem. The first male Angyali, bloody humiliating...'

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