Chapter Two: Marguerite

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The mist rolled, curling back to reveal two valleys rising up against each other. Built up in those basins of lush green were two imposing castles. Like most medieval structures, the turrets rose up against the pink-dusted sky. Wide open courtyards stretched out and long impressive stone corridors ran around the edge until they reached the main keep, which rose to an impressive five floors, connecting to the several turrets in each castles structure. Both castles mirrored the same ornate design and against the clear dawn skies and green valley; they were both a remarkable and daunting sight.

Within the walls of the great keep in the left valley, known to those in both castles as Angyali Valley, an elderly woman climbed the spiral staircase of one of the back turrets, to the roof. Dawn peaked over the horizon; the cool air welcome upon the woman's skin after her climb.

She gazed over the battlements and looked down at the courtyard, in mere hours it would fill with the new generation of young women she and her fellow mentors would sculpt and nurture in the hopes they became an Angelus.

Aged eyes scanned the horizon and soon enough she could see the great silhouette of her own consort. The beauty of the sun bouncing off the pure whiteness of her wings made the woman smile.
    'Angelus Marguerite, it is good to see you...' her mentor smiled moments later, landing on the roof and hugging the elder.
    'ArcAngelus Uriel, my old friend, I have missed you.' Marguerite beamed. 'My friend as always, you've not aged a day.'
    'My duty to justice and truth keeps me young... and busy!' Uriel smiled.

Uriel stretched, settling down onto the ledge. Her thick feathered wings fluttering in the breeze. From the day Uriel had become Marguerite's mentor within these walls to this one, they had been fighting, protecting their world. It had been a long but cherished lifetime.
    'Dear Uriel, the newlings will arrive shortly; have you any news on what gifts might be coming?' Marguerite asked.
With an elegant exhale of breath, Uriel stood and curved her hands through the air, whispering a prayer into the heavens. A silky image appearing before the pair, and a handful of faces flashed up; flickering within the silver swirl of circle Uriel had created. After a moment, she was consumed and a poetic stream of words flowed from her lips.

          'The moment of truth is coming to pass,

          As white wings, protect the world around us,

          Darkness and pain have never been so filling,

          Unless in their souls, sacrifice is willing.

          In these years to follow Legacy shall rise.

          To end the suffering of all who survive.'

Uriel felt the prophecy end and gasped a little at the magnitude of her words, the faces being conjured fading. Marguerite placed a hand on her friend's arm. The burden had, finally been gifted to those faces she had seen within the vheil. It was now time.
    'I will do everything in my power to ensure this time Legacy will come to pass as we have always wished. These Angyali will complete the task left with us so long ago...' Marguerite promised.

Uriel smiled at her friend spreading her wings, the sun having risen further. Far from the valley, three coaches made their way off the main road and began the trip towards the hidden, protective world of Angyali, Warriors and Demi-Gods. ArcAngelus Uriel, her dark eyes mysterious and thoughtful, watched the sunrise for a moment more; then she took the old angelus next to her by the hand, and squeezed tight before taking to the sky, disappearing into the sunlight.

Marguerite watched as Uriel melted into the horizon.


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