Stuck with U

702 21 127

Ariana's pov

I wiped my tears with the back of my hands as I hurriedly typed in the number which I still knew by heart  and waited with bated breath.

It kept ringing as I started to grow impatient and fidgety.

Finally a click and a voice.

" Hey whoever you may be, the magnificent Mac Miller cannot pick up the phone right now but the reason is not because he's busy getting high. Get your head out of the gutter. I don't do drugs, I do jesus. Leave a message if it's something important."

I knew it wasn't a lot but it was enough to calm me down. His little humour made me laugh through my tears as I bit my lips to stop my heart from hurting.

I put the phone to my ears and dialed the number once again just to hear his soothing voice through the voice mail.

This was the millionth time I had done this and yet it never seems to be enough.

" Malcolm? Please come back..... I miss you. ", I whispered holding back my tears.

Oh how I wished he was here right now... To tell me it's ok, to be my rock when I'm weak and about to give up.

A scream of agony left my mouth as I picked up a vase and smashed it to the wall. My shaky legs gave up as I slid down to the floor, tears cascading down my cheeks like a waterfall.

A few weeks later ~

The loud music of the club gave me a huge migraine but that didn't stop me from emptying glass after glass of alcohol. My glittery dress felt heavy on my shoulders as though there were stones tied to the end of it. My high heels wasn't helping either. Numbness ran through my body as I felt my phone vibrate inside my handbag.

"Must be another hundred missed calls and messages to add to the pile of thousands from yesterday.", i thought to myself.

The order was the same... My mom, Courtney, Victoria, Njomza. Ever since that day at the resort, I hadn't picked up anyone's calls nor did I reply to any messages. All I did was get drunk and try to numb the pain.
But I only wished it'd work.

The bartender looked at me through the corner of his eye like he always did everytime I came here. He was the only one who knew I've been visiting the club ever since the pandemic got better as other people were too drunk and occupied to notice.

I motioned towards him to refill my glass.

" No. ", he said bluntly.

" Excuse me? ", I asked squinting at him.

" I'm sorry but you can't have anymore drinks. "

" Who the fuck do you think you are? ", I slurred at him and hit the table with my fist.

" Miss Grande.. I'm saying this for your own good. You're very drunk.", he breathed and took my glass away from me making me extremely mad.

" How dare you take my glass away you son of a bitch!! ", I snapped a little loudly this time getting up from my stool and advancing towards him but my weak legs couldn't walk straight so I stumbled loosing my balance and held on to the table to support my body.

Looking at my state, he came towards me to help me stand but I pushed him hard.

" Give me back my fucking drink!! Give it to me now!!! ", I screamed loudly and pushed the other glasses off the table which smashed to the ground gaining a lot of attention from the people beside me.

" Miss.. Calm down please. ", he said grabbing my hand and trying to bring me under control but I kept throwing a tantrum. I was too drunk to see how everyone had started to take notice of me.

Stuck with U (Daltiana)Where stories live. Discover now