Today was a rollercoaster ride

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Ariana's pov

Last night dalton stayed back at my house because it had gotten super late and I am not so cruel that I'd throw him out of my house in the middle of the night so I kinda forced him to stay even though he was insisting otherwise.

We had a lot of fun last night just watching movies and Netflix shows, talking occasionally here and there. After the little moment we had things were a little awkward although I tried my level best not to show him I was affected by it. We both pretended it never happened even though I could still feel the tension every time we looked or touched each other.

It was currently very early in the morning but I decided to get out of my bed anyways. I had a day off today from work which I wanted to take advantage of as much as possible. It was not my idea cuz you know me and I don't consider making music as work but my friends threatened to drag me out of the studio if I stepped foot in it so I better not.

I was in a good mood today for some strange reason so I got up from my bed and decided to go take a shower after brushing my teeth. I felt like giving my self some special attention today so I planned on taking three hours in the shower while I waited for dalton to wake up. He was most probably fast asleep in the guest room and I didn't want to wake him up.

As I had planned I showered for three whole hours, moisturising my skin and wearing some perfume, the ones that dalton somehow seemed to like a lot judging by the way he was so lured by it last night.
I wore a black tube bra and black shorts, grabbed my phone and walked downstairs to make some breakfast. I don't know why but I wanted to impress dalton today so I kinda went out of my way for him. I don't do this shit for no one. Miley what have you done to me?

I reached the kitchen and looked through the cabinet to decide on what I wanted to cook today. I don't have the best cooking skills but at least I can boil water . (Lmao)

Finally I decided on making vegan pancakes and banana smoothie. I was just about to drink the smoothie I had made when I heard foot steps coming down from upstairs.

" I'm in the kitchen", I yelled loud enough for him to hear.

Dalton came into the kitchen rubbing his eyes but he instantly woke up with a jolt on seeing me. I could see him trying to stop himself from biting his lip.

" Like what you see? ", I smirked but gasped internally when I realized what I just said.

Holy shit Ariana!! The fuck was that?

He came closer to me with a smug smile on his face making me nervous. Ok what is he about to do?

His face was just few inches from me which made shivers run down my back.

" A lot actually. ", he smirked and took my free hand in his making me gasp.

" The banana smoothie ", he suddenly said taking the glass from my hand and walking away leaving me breathless.

What the actual fuck?

I shook my head snapping to reality and used my fork to ate my pancake avoiding myself from looking awkward.

He came back into the kitchen once again making me look up.

" Hey that was mine. ", I fake whined as he chuckled.

" Drink the other one which was meant for me. "

" Idiot. ", I groaned and hit his chest.

We laughed for a while as we finished eating in between as quickly as possible in order to talk some more.

" I'm in a good mood today. ", he mused while taking my plate from my hand and placing it in the sink along with his.

" Really? Cuz me too. " ,  I said truthfully.

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