"Erm... so to really understand your going to have to know what happened to vampires" Louis stops for a second as he grabs Athena's hand for reassurance

"4 years ago there was an uprising happening within the vampire territory. My father was the King."

"Damien Tomlinson" Harry fills in, watching Louis's eyes light up with the recognition

"Yes. He's my father. He ruled graciously, he was strict but he cared. He had rules in place and a system that worked. No vampire was a savage. They had control and peace. We had peace treaties; everything was perfect."

"I remember him, he had a lot of dealings with my parents. They were friends... that's why I could never understand what happened. Why everything so suddenly changed"

Louis nods with a sad smile gracing his lips "things changed when my uncle came. Seth was cast out from the family but my father could never say no to his brother... not when he was in need. Seth had secretly been spreading evil through his travels to roaming vampires and other clans. I don't know how but he brought together an army, then called for my father's help. Seth has always had trouble with his bloodthirsty tendencies and so my father thought he was simply on another blood rampage and needed to be cooled off. He left that night four years ago and I never saw him again."

Louis pauses grasping his breath feeling himself become upset at the thought of his dear father

"My uncle came back to the castle stating that they had been attacked by wolves and they've killed my father. I didn't believe him, as you said my father had peace treaties and no wolf would take him down not without me knowing. I would feel our bond break or in danger. Vampires are different in this way, we have bonds with our parents that compare to mates. We will feel their death and although it won't kill us it will hurt. I never felt the bond break. I questioned my uncle and he soon became annoyed"

Harry and Lumi share a quick look knowing that what they are about to find out about their mates is not going to be pleasant

"He quickly got a lot of support to attack the Black Knight pack... the pack he said killed my father. No one but my Aunt Rebecca would listen to me, she knew what her brother was like. That night the attack happened, it was unprovoked, cruel and bloody. Athena and I had rushed as soon as we could to try and stop it but we were too late. As we stood looking at the bloodshed I had heard movements behind me. We followed the sound and found 4 wolves cornered by 5 vampires."

"I practiced my magic at this time... before it was banned. We saw the wolves in trouble one of them a small child. We couldn't possibly allow them to die... I used my magic to block the scents of the wolves before Louis killed the vampires. I summoned Rebecca to the area and together we made a plan" Athena continues in Louis's pause

Harry shifts in his seat moving forward, for the first time in years he had hope his parents bodies would be found or maybe even alive.

"My aunty Rebecca, had been planning to leave the castle for a while unable to be under her cruel brothers rule. We planned that my aunty would vanish and the wolves would go with her, they couldn't return home until told it was safe. My uncle is cruel but he is meticulous and smart he would know we betrayed him and would be punished for it. So using Athena's magic we spelled some crystals for protection, healing, guarding and safety. Rebecca took herself and the wolves... the only person whom could find them now would be Athena. They've been living together since. The wolves we saved thanked us and before we left they told us their names... Hope, Cairo, Tate and Josiah."

There's silence hanging in the room as they finish the story.

"You... you saved my parents" Harry's voice breaks with his words, his chest feeling heavy. His wolf howling in anguish for his missed parents.

"I I'm so sorry Harry... I'm sorry that they've been taken from you for these years. But my uncle he knew they were missing... they were his targets because they ran the strongest pack. I tried to lie to say I killed them but he knows me too well. It was never safe for them to return and I paid for saving them and keeping their location secret."

Harry stares at his mate seeing his worry and concern for him and pain at the thought of being hated. Harry opens his arms in the hope that Louis will sink into them.

Louis stands slowly his eyes watering with fear a few steps closer to his mate.

He's our mate Lou. He will love and protect us. Trust him... it's time we're happy

Louis closes his eyes at the sound of the voice before he takes a leap of faith and rushes into the open arms of his mate. Feeling the tingles he had heard so much about as his body heats up and melts into the warmth and safety of his mate. The strong arms wrap around him and Louis sighs in the feeling of happiness.

Harry holds his mate close to his chest as he feels his wolf sigh in contentment and love. Harry can feel all the heaviness he's been holding lift from his shoulders.

"I'm not angry Lou... you risked your life to save wolves you didn't even know. You saved my parents... I could never be angry"

"But I kept them from you"

"You kept them alive my love. Thank you thank you thank you" Harry can feel his chest break as his tears begins to fall

Harry holds him closer feeling his body tremble

"Don't be sad... please" he whispers

"I'm not baby... I'm happy. I'm so happy"

They sit within their own moments of comfort with each other. Ignoring the world and what they have to do next. They enjoy feeling the completeness they get from one another.

"Alpha... we need to work out how to stop his uncle... and bring your parents home. Bring them all home" her warm voice breaks the silence and Louis looks to see Athena sat very closely to her mate.

"Tomorrow... tomorrow we make a plan. Tonight we enjoy the happiness"

What do you think of the double update????

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