Chapter 4

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I didn't know what to say.

I tried to play it stupid.

"Talking about what, Kelly?" How pathetic I was. "I don't know what are you talking about."

At the same moment, Brad also returned to the table.

"Excuse me for being late." He said as he was taking his place.

"How is your leg, Mr. Slater?" Kelly asked him with a dose of irony which if the others could not sense, I certainly did.

"What?" Bradford asked in surprise but continued quickly. "Oh. My leg. It's okay."

"Damn it, she knows," I muttered to myself.

"What's on your leg, Brad?" Mrs. Moyer asked anxiously.

"What's on your leg, Brad?" I repeated in my mind ironically. "Not his leg is hurt, but something located a little above..."

It was as if, despite the ridiculous situation, full of jealousy I wanted to scream at her  'Back off! He is mine!'.

"Nothing, Patty." He answered her. "I dislocated my leg. But I am fine."

"I am glad that there is nothing serious, dad." Leo turned to his father. "Okay, let's raise a toast."

"For you, my son!" Added Mrs. Moyer.

We all raised our glasses for the toast.

A few more hours passed, but I felt like an eternity. I couldn't wait for that night to end. Good thing was, that Kelly didn't say anything anymore to me... Maybe, after all, she hadn't seen anything.

And just when I thought the worst was over, a beautiful ballad began to sound. Leo got up from his chair, walked over to me, and held out his hand to mine.

"May I have this dance?"

I looked around for a second. Everyone was looking at us. There was no way I could reject him.

"Um... Sure." I answered in uncertainty as he was leading me to the dance floor.

We started dancing. I turned to see if Brad was looking at us, and at the same time, Mrs. Moyer was saying something to him, and he nodded his head in agreement. The two got up from the table and joined us on the dance floor to dance.

A few seconds later Kelly approached us.

"Can I steal your gentleman, Liz?" She asked a question that obviously had to go unanswered.

She took Leo's hand, pulled him close to her, and began dancing with him. And he, surprised by her action, also could not react.

And I was left alone in the middle of the dance floor.

"Oh, Brad," I heard Mrs. Moyer behind me. "The girl was left alone. Go and invite her to dance so she doesn't feel awkward."

I shuddered.

A second later, I felt Brad behind me. I turned to him. He took my hand and pulled me close to him. I looked back at Kelly. As she was dancing with Leo, with a devilish smile, she winked at me.

Yes, there was no doubt anymore that she knew. And it was only a matter of time before others find out.

"This is bad, Brad," I whispered to him. "This is very bad."

"Shhh." He brought his lips to my ear and whispered as well. "Give me this moment. At least that."

And I surrendered in his arms. I felt his breath on my face. I devoured his scent. I wanted to stay in his arms forever.

Burning Pleasure (#2 of "Trilogy of Pleasure)Where stories live. Discover now