"I was telling Yubin how great she did in the fight! She was so amazing! What about you and my sis?" The pink haired vampire asked.

"Nothing much. She's okay with Minji touching me because that would be MY problem" Bora simply said and both Gahyeon and Yubin turned around glaring at Siyeon.

"You're not giving them the full context! I said if you provoke Minji that it would be your problem if she jumped you! That's important information" Siyeon justified herself.

"Oh I will provoke her. You can be sure about that much!" Bora challenged, glaring at Siyeon as well.

"Bora? What the absolute hell are you talking about? Are you having a fight?" Yubin whispered really softly, sounding a bit worried.

"Yes we are having a fight" Bora yelled, making sure that Siyeon heard her. The small hunter quickly turned around, giving a quick wink to Yubin to signal her that she was just messing around.

"Bora, please... I don't want to fight with you" Siyeon pleaded.

"She sounds really sad, sis" Yubin chuckled.

"If you didn't want to fight with me, you shouldn't have said that" Bora kept saying, faking to be mad. Gahyeon was honestly confused about what was happening and why Yubin was chuckling seeing their sisters fighting.

"Sis, I think you should apologize and maybe do something for her" Gahyeon suggested, looking at Siyeon and pointing at Bora.

"But I don't even know what got her that mad" Siyeon protested weakly. "I'm sorry if I said something that hurt you, Bora" she whispered, not really knowing what she was apologising for.

"Don't worry, you'll see!" Bora smirked, patting Yubin's head. "Siyeon has been a bad wolf to your sister"

"Bora..." Siyeon tried to call again, not really knowing what to do anymore. As she looked at the smaller hunter, she realized what she did wrong. Bora hoped to see her jealous, a little bit possessive and Siyeon was holding back, not showing how possessive she really was. The vampire walked to Bora and picked her up. "I'll borrow her for a couple of minutes!" She said, walking away and bringing Bora towards the trees. She pushed the hunter against one of them, still holding her up and she placed a hand behind the girl's neck, pulling her closer.

"Didn't you hear me when I said you are mine?" She whispered against the hunter's lips.

"Hmm... I don't think I did... did you?" Bora teased, pushing her body against Siyeon's.

"I did and I will say it as many times as you need me to" she whispered, crashing her lips against Bora's and kissing her passionately.

Bora smirked, moving her hands to hook behind Siyeon's neck when Siyeon grabbed her little wrists and pinned them above her head, not breaking the kiss.

A low moan escaped Bora's lips at Siyeon's action. She tightened the grip of her legs around the vampire's waist, pulling their bodies even closer.

They kept kissing for a few moments and Bora was really starting to run out of breath but Siyeon didn't let her, not one bit. The vampire just kept kissing her, knowing full well what she was doing.

Bora tried to free her wrists to cup Siyeon's face and push her back a little, just enough to breathe for a second, but the vampire wasn't letting go of her wrists. The small hunter squeezed her legs even tighter around Siyeon, really enjoying the kiss but also needing air and Siyeon just smirked in the kiss.

"Si-... Air" Bora managed to whisper in the kiss, feeling Siyeon's lips curving into a smirk. The vampire just shook her head and started combing Bora's hair with the hand that was holding Bora up until now, writing some letters with her finger spelling: 'not yet'.

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