Chapter 159

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As Minji, Yoohyeon, Siyeon and Bora were on their trip to find the priestess, the other girls focused mostly on their training and they enjoyed a little bit of time together.

While Gahyeon was having a shower, Yubin was laying down in the pink haired girl's bed, reading a book. She was so into it that she didn't hear when someone knocked at the door the first time... or the second.

"Yubin? I know you are in there, I can hear your heartbeat" Jiwoo called, knocking once again. "Do you have your headphones on again? I told you to not put your music that loud" she added, raising her voice a little.

At hearing that, Yubin snapped out of it, chuckling because of how caring Jiwoo was.

"Come in" she said, closing her book. "I didn't have my earphones on, I was just absorbed in the book"

"You and your reading... how can you be so absorbed in some words that you don't even hear me knocking?" the older vampire chuckled, entering the room and sitting down on the bed next to her.

"I really love books so... That happens sometimes" Yubin chuckled, eyeing Jiwoo and looking at the way she was dressed. "What's that?" She asked, widening her eyes and looking at how bad the combination of colors in her outfit was.

"Uhm... something you would call fancy but still casual clothes?" the vampire asked, hoping that she did it right. "Why are you trying to not laugh?"

"Because that is... really bad, Jiwoo" Yubin bursted into laughter. "Where are you going dressed like that? Where is your usual total black outfit?"

"Lena invited me to go out for dinner to thank me yet again. I thought that I should try dressing up a little?" Jiwoo explained, hitting the blue haired girl's arm. "And stop freaking laughing!"

"And you thoug-... wait. Wait wait wait. Did I hear that right? Lena invited you to dinner and you're actually making an effort to dress up nicely?" Yubin asked, locking eyes with Jiwoo.

"I mean it's at Lena's place so I can't go there in some baggy clothes right?" the older vampire asked, raising an eyebrow. "Really, don't think too far into it"

"Come with me" Yubin cheered, grabbing Jiwoo's hand and dragging her back to Minji and Siyeon's room. "I still have some clothes in here... let me see" she said, looking for something that would fit the occasion.

"Nothing too bright please, I don't like flashy colors" the black and red haired woman sighed, seeing all the pink clothes in Minji's dresser.

"Those are Minji's! I don't wear pink or bright colors, don't worry" Yubin chuckled "But... there is something I will borrow from her. How do you feel about skirts?"

"Skirts? Are you crazy? I've never worn them and I'm sure it wouldn't fit me at all. I'm not a girl, I'm a woman. A warrior woman at that"

"Let's dress you like a warrior woman then" Yubin said, putting a pair of black leather pants on the bed. "I bought them for me but I was never bold enough to wear them so... they're yours"

"Black leather pants?" Jiwoo asked, raising an eyebrow with a suggestive smirk. "Lee freaking Yubin"

"You will rock them, come on! Try them on while I find a warrior shirt to combine them with" Yubin chuckled.

"Of course, let's just ignore the fact that you bought these things" the older vampire laughed. "And going from a skirt to this is a major improvement" she added, pointing at the door so Yubin would leave while she changed.

"I won't look, I have to find a shirt for you" Yubin protested, turning around to face the closet. "And I bought them because I felt bold for like... 5 minutes. But then I regretted it" she laughed.

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