Chapter 83

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Happy New Year's Eve / New Year and best wishes from us! ♥

As soon as Yubin was done reading the silence filled the living room. The blue haired girl didn't dare to speak and Siyeon was just staring at the wall, unable to wrap her mind about what the younger girl had just read. Siyeon's hands started trembling as she let all the information sink in, until Yubin grabbed one of them, squeezing it in hers.

"Do you... feel anything? A- About N-Nara, I mean" she dared to ask, turning towards the blonde woman.

"I don't... I think... what the fuck is this, Yubin? This is insane" Siyeon whispered, shaking her head. What worried her the most was that Minji would be even more hurt if she knew this probably.

"I don't know... but it kinda all makes sense now" Yubin whispered, not daring to look at Siyeon. "The sudden rage, the hunt at night, your eyes" the girl started to explain as she suddenly realized something. Siyeon sounded extremely scared when she mentioned Red Lotus. Solise was Nara's soulmate, just like Minji was Siyeon's. They are soulmates and a lot of what Yubin read about their relationship reminded her of Minji and Siyeon. "Do you... Siyeon, do you think Minji is Solise?" she suddenly asked, locking eyes with her.

"Don't say it like that... Minji is Minji... but... I know Red Lotus is in there. She told me, Handong and Y-Yooh"

"I'm sorry I... I worded it badly" Yubin apologized, squeezing Siyeon's hand. They stayed silent for another couple of minutes and the blue haired girl felt like she could literally sense Siyeon's discomfort so she had to say something. "I'm sure we can... take them out, somehow. I'll keep reading the book and... we will just... find a way"

"How can you be so sure about something you didn't know existed, Yubin... and how do I tell Minji this? She has... been through enough" Siyeon sighed.

"Siyeon... I think this is actually good. At least we know what's happening now... to you and to her" Yubin whispered, looking at the book. "It's better to know that to just... walk in the darkness, without a clue. If we know what the problem is... we can find a way to solve it"

"I suppose you're right... but be fast... I've see-... heard of Red Lotus... she's scary and we need to solve this soon" Siyeon stated.

"See-?" Yubin asked, locking eyes with the vampire. "Siyeon I'm... I'm trying my best here but you have to stop lying to me... to us. I know it's always been you and Minji in the past but now... now we are a group... a family. And if I knew about Red Lotus before, I could have told you about the book days ago. But you kept it hidden from me, Bora and Gahyeon" Yubin whispered.

"We swore to not speak about it... it was too painful for Minji, Yubin" Siyeon reasoned and suddenly all Red Lotus said to her that one night made so much sense. She must've sensed Nara in her, trying to get her out.

Yubin sighed, shaking her head. Siyeon didn't get the point of what she was saying. Of course it was painful for Minji, but they couldn't try to solve something they didn't know anything about.

"There is... a whole chapter on this Xena crazy woman. I'll just... read it and try to see if there is something useful" she whispered, sighing again.

"But... I don't understand something... Minji's father was... evil... so the soulstone or whatever it is called could've easily been assigned to her but... what about me?" The blonde vampire wondered.

"I don't know, Siyeon. I don't know anything about Minji's past and I don't know anything about yours and I can see you want to keep it that way so... I don't know what to answer" Yubin replied, crossing her legs on the couch and trying to find the chapter about the priestess.

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