3-Metal Lee Goes Wild

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No one's POV

As Shino sensei explain the mechanics about throwing shuriken, none of his students is listening as they started to throw shuriken. Shino sigh and flashed stepped out of the way

"Aww man it will be good if this is a drawing lesson" - Inojin said, while throwing a kunai and hit the target

"This is such a drag" - Shikadai

Metal showed up and threw two shurikens and it hit the target circle at the middle

'Wow, that was amazing' - (Y/N)'s thoughts while throwing randomly without looking at the target

His classmates frozed staring at him

"(Y/N), you-... Are you a some kind of monster?" - One of his classmates says

"Hey, watch your words" - Shikadai

"But look Shikadai, we saw him throwing randomly without looking and hit the target. We thought it was just a fluke but he did it 4 times" - Another one said

(Y/N) was confused by their chitchat so he turn his head and looked at the target

His jaw dropped as he saw his 'throw' hit the same spot in the middle of the circle.

'Shit, I didn't mean to have their attention. THIS IS JUST RANDOM THROW!!' - (Y/N)'s thoughts, he's screaming inside his head

Boruto showed up with such a huge shuriken and threw it and Metal who's still in the middle tried to stop it by kicking but   being so nervous he was swayed together with the shuriken


"Hey, you're Metal right!?, I'm sorry about that" -  Boruto said looking at him

"It's okay" - he answered

"Hey are you nervous with people around you?" - Boruto asked

But he didnt answer

"Boruto, what have you done?" - (Y/N) whispered to Boruto

"I'm not sure, but he looks so down" - Boruto

After the incident, They are called to the Principal office and as a punishment. They'll fix the Hokage's stone face and instead of fixing it, they made it worse

After a while...

"Hey! Metal you okay!?" - Boruto asked him walking towards to him

"Dont be so down Metal, dont waste your energy to make it perfect, his face isn't perfect in real life either" - Boruto said looking to him

"That's not how you cheer up people" - (Y/N) mumbles

"Say it louder, (Y/N). So that your deaf, idiot brother could hear it" - Shikadai

"You know you does work hard but that doesn't mean your doing it in right way, Metal, Sometimes you make it worse. Listen you make mistakes for feeling nervous right?" - Shikadai added

"How did you know that?" - Metal said

After that Day ~~~~

Shikadai was about to apologize but Metal acts different

"Come on, come and fight me" - Metal said as he acts like he's not on him self


Inojin, Boruto and I arrived and I saw purple shadows around Metal

"What's that shadow?" - I asked but the two are confused except Boruto who seems to see what I'm seeing until our eyes met

"Huh?" - We both said at the same time

Then suddenly Metal attacked us

"We talked about that later, Metal first" - Inojin said

"So what's the plan Shikadai?" - Boruto said

"I need to use a toilet. I'll leave first. " - I said and I started to run roof to roof instead of going to the restroom I went to hokage office

(I'll stay to (Y/N)'s pov you guys already know what happen in their fight cuz why not you're watching Boruto)

I knocked at Dad's office until someone said to come in

"(Y/N), what brings you here? What about academy? " - Dad asked while his assistant Shikamaru listening to our conversation

"Well this morning, my left eye and boruto's right eye is different it's not byakugan, I dont know what it call it appeared because we saw Metal Lee around him has a purple shadow connect to other location but I didn't follow instead I told this to you, so I let Boruto and others take Metal and make him back to normal" - I said panting while explaining it

"Can you show the eye?" - Shikamaru said

"I don't think it's possible." - I answered

"You saw it didnt you try to draw it, here" Shikamaru said and give me a paper

And I tried it, I'm good at drawing unlike Boruto so they can see clearly

But the sketch just looks like a normal eye

"I'll send this to Sasuke so he can know something about it, thanks for reporting this to me so dont worry" - Dad said patting my head

"Oh no I skipped classes" - I yelled

"Dont worry, here give this to Shino so you wont be in trouble you just report what you saw and that's great, report me something if you saw a purple shadow again" - Dad said as he gave me the paper with his sign on it that I was excused

When I got back, it was normal now and Shino-sensei called me to go to the office. When i got there he asked me why did I skip, I just gave him the paper that Dad gave to me and said

"Sorry, Shino-sensei I reported something to Dad"

After all of that we go to our own homes

"We're here" - Boruto and I said

Then when I walk to start to eat I noticed Boruto looking at Hina in the eyes and he asked Mom about byakugan

"Hey Boruto, I know what you're thinking,
But this isn't the same one. " - I told him the truth but to him,

I think he's really thinking that it was byakugan and the shadow was a chakra

And then Dad came home tiredly looking face

"H-hey your early today, do you want to eat dinner? " - Mom said, with Hima beside her

"Ye I finished early, Imma went to bed now..." - he said walking toward to his room

"He comes home but cant eat dinner with his family ughh" - Boruto said as he clenched his fist

"You know Boruto being hokage is hard, protecting us and not just us the whole village too" - I said looking at him

"Why do you keep protecting and always against of what I'm saying?! It's true anyway! Does he eat dinner with us?! Is he here to keep an eye on us just like the other parents does?!" - He said looking at my eyes with so much anger

I was speechless and tears starts to flow, I wiped my eyes and looked at the tears

'Im crying? No, stop crying...' - I thought

Boruto's eyes widened, he pulled me for a hug

" Sorry, forget what I said" - Boruto

I finally calmed down and we went to have a dinner


I was waiting to myself to the chapter that sarada want to meet his dad but were just in episode 3

1104 Words, My own new record

(2-24-24) A: change a little

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