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Astronomy Tower

The day ended with a few announcements. Professor Dumbledore announced proudly that this year Hogwarts would be home to some very special guests from Beauxbatons Academy of magic and Durmstrang because Hogwarts has been chosen to host
a legendary event. The Tri-Wizard tournament.

Hannah then explained to me that the tri-wizard tournament brings together
three schools for a series of magical
contests. From each school a single
contestant is selected to compete and they must must survive three extremely dangerous tasks which is not for the faint-hearted.

We also had a new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher, Professor Mad-Eye moody. It was becoming an annual thing to have a new DADA teacher, oh how i missed Professor Lupin. Lastly, the most exciting announcement for today by Professor Mcgonagall (at least for us girls) the Yule ball which has been a tradition of the tri-wizard tournament since its

I met Fred and George on my way back to the common room and they complained about being ineligible because they were still sixteen.  Then continued to tell me about their 'brilliant' plan to use aging potions to trick the Goblet of Fire, to which i disagreed because the age barrier Dumbledore installed was too powerful to be fooled by the potion.

I entered the common room to find Cedric alone on the couch and decided to join him. We've gotten closer over the years, Cedric being like an older brother to me. He offered to help me with homework so we've been studying together every weekend. Cedric told me about how he was going put his name forward to compete in the Triwizard Tournament which i supported, i was positive he stood a chance of winning given how well i know his abilities.

"Cedric ?" I asked him suddenly after a moment of silence. My head was resting on his shadows. "Yes, beth?" He asked patting my head.
"What do you think about Draco ?" I asked, catching him off-guard.
"Malfoy ?" He asked, surprised. He didn't know we that we were friends. Or used to be.
"He's a jerk, Beth. Remember what he did to you ? He treats everyone terribly too. Why ?" He answered and i nodded even though i didn't actually agree with everything he said.
"Do you think there's more to him.. then just a jerk ?" I asked again. He was the older one, he was supposed to have answers to everything wasn't he.
"I mean.. i guess. Why ?" He asked.
"Nothing." I lied, "I should go now."
"Where ?" he asked. Overprotective, like a brother.
"Um to the library. To study with Hermione." I lied again.

I changed out of my robe into a yellow mini dress with daisies and a lace trim with a oversized yellow denim jacket over it, my hair tied into a high ponytail.

I walked through the hallway, it was dark and chilly. I rubbed my hands together to keep warm as the wind blew the loose strands of my hair and they fell to each side of my face. I was starting to regret this.. i don't even know who sent me the note. I came originally because i didn't want to stood whoever it was up but what if they stood me up instead ? What if it was just a prank by the Slytherins ? Or worse..what if they were up there right now, waiting to push me off the astronomy tower ?

I looked up. I had already reached the astronomy tower. I pushed the door open. The astronomy tower hits differently at night. The lights which resembled the constellations were turned on. "Hello ?" I said softly but my voice echoed throughout the room.

"Hey." A familiar voice replied. Draco. "You came." He spoke again. His voice, deep and soothing. I haven't heard it in awhile. I turned around to face him.

"It was you ? You asked me to meet you here ?" I asked. Out of everyone i guessed, he wasn't one of them. "Are you disappointed ?" He asked. Idiot. I was beyond happy, and not just because he wasn't Parkinson. I didn't think it was him because why would it be ? He hated me, a muggleborn.

"No of course not. Just surprised that's all." I answered honestly. We were standing at opposite ends of the room and it was get awkward, we hadn't talked in a month after what happened.
He should've been there.. he should have burst through the door with that 'i'm right here' smile, and it would have felt like a million little shining stars had just aligned and i would've been so..happy.

"Why. Why were you surprised it was me ?  We're friends aren't we ? We've hung out before.." He said frantically. I was beyonf confused. Did i miss something ? The last time i checked, he called me a mudblood and now his acting like nothing had happened. I was mad at him, mad at him for leaving me that day and proceeding to not talk to me for a month. Did our friendship mean nothing to him ? I didn't have the heart to scold him. A few weeks ago i didn't understand why i couldn't stop thinking about him after what he called me but now i did, it was because i like him.

"Oh, yeah." was all i said.

"I'm sorry. " He said after awhile, moving a few steps closer into the light. Blue eyes. So he did remember.

"I didn't mean it Elizabeth. What i said that day. You know that right ?" He said and i just stared blankly. I wasn't mad at him, i never was, i couldn't bring myself to. Deep down a part of me knew he didn't mean it. How could he ? After all the late night talks we had together last year, i thought we had grown closer. I guess what really hurt me was that i thought he didn't want to be friends anymore. I thought he chose them over me.

"I know, i'm late but i was really afraid that you hated me.. I'm so sorry Elizabeth" He said looking like he was about to burst into tears. He was sincere. My heart shattered at the sight and i just couldn't be apart from him anymore.

"It's okay, Draco. I forgive you." I said pulling him into a hug. Warm. "Are we still friends ?" He asked and i pulled away, "Forever".

𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒓 𝑩𝒐𝒚 // 𝑫𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒐 𝑴𝒂𝒍𝒇𝒐𝒚  [under editing]Where stories live. Discover now