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Bloody Chicken

[Draco Malfoy]

"Insulting a Hippogriff, what were you thinking Mr Malfoy?" Madam Pomfrey asked while wrapping a cast around my right arm.
"I wasn't." I muttered. "Thank you." I muttered again as she left.

"Draco! Oh thank goodness you're okay!" cried a familiar high pitch voice. Can my day get any worse. Madam Pomfrey gave her a glare which shut her up as she took a seat next to my bed.
"What are you doing here?" I asked, not wanting her to be here. I was getting bored but i'd much rather be alone than with Pansy.
"To see you of course!" She said in a 'cute' voice, i cringed.

We sat in awkward silence, me not wanting to entertain her.
"Does it hurt terribly Draco?" She asked again and i tried not to roll my eyes.
"It comes and it goes. Still, I consider myself luckily. If it wasn't for Madame Pomfrey, another minute or two and I could have lost my arm." I replied as she brushed her finger against my cast, biting her lip. Trying to be seductive i suppose, she resembled a pug. At least a pug is cute, i thought.

The door was pushed opened violently, both sides slamming against the wall, alarming everyone. A girl stepped in, panting heavily. Straight brown hair (slightly messy, was she exercising?), big brown eyes, petite. Elizabeth.

Was she injured too? She looked around and her eyes landed on me, we locked eyes. I pushed Pansy's hand away, not wanting to cause any misunderstanding. She spoke to Madam Pomfrey and i tried to listen, barely making out anything because Pansy was trying to make small talk.

"Mr Malfoy?" Madam Pomfrey said and we looked at her. Well, more like i looked at Elizabeth who was blushing.
"Of course you can dear, Ms Parkinson has been here for awhile now and i think it's time for her to head back for class." She announced. Thank god.
"Why do i have to leave? She's not even Draco's friend." Pansy said as if we were that close. Madam Pomfrey raised her brows at Elizabeth and i could tell she didn't know what to say because she thought Pansy was right."She is my friend, Madam Pomfrey." I said loudly so Elizabeth and Pansy would know that she was my friend.

Pansy looked at me as if asking, since when. I shrugged my shoulders and she stomped away calling Elizabeth a 'filthy mudblood' on her way out. Wait till i get discharged.
I stared as she walked towards my bed, taking a seat. "How are you, Draco?" she asked. Draco, my heart fluttered. She called me by my first name.
"Fantastic." I answered, raising my injured hand which was wrapped in cast. We broke in laughter. Thats all i wanted, for her to laugh.
"It doesn't hurt that much anymore." I said honestly, now that she's here.
"Why are you here anyway?" I asked. Could it be, she cared about me? No. Don't get ahead of yourself, Draco.

"I was just passing by and saw you lying here. Just thought i came by to check on you, you know. You did save me from that dementor after all." She replied with a shrug like it was no big deal, but it was to me. Liar, i thought. For the first part at least. I stared at the large oak door which was wide open because she barged in earlier -the door was previously shut, she couldn't have seen me.
Okay so maybe she heard that i was injured, everyone's probably talking about it by now and making fun of me but its purely because i protected her from the dementor yesterday.
"Sure." I said chuckling at her attempt to lie.

"So are you going now that you know i'm alright?" I asked, hoping she would say no.
"No." She replied almost instantaneously making me smirk. She was really something.
"I mean, have Divination class next and it's dead boring so i think i'll just skip it." She explained. Another lie. She had Divination earlier. I may or may not have memorised Hufflepuff's timetable just so i know when i could 'coincidentally' walk pass her in the hallway.
"If i remember correctly, you have Charms class with Slytherin next period." I said pointing out her mistake.

She stared at me, probably embarrassed that i exposed her lie.
"You're right. How stupid of me to forget. I'll get going now." She said about to leave, sounding unhappy. She must not want to go for Charms huh.
"I'm kidding. You do have Divination next. Sit down." I said, not wanting her to go. Earning me a smack on the shoulder which was deserved.
"Ow" I said pretending that it hurt when really it felt like nothing. Her smack was frail just like how she looked.
"I'm so sorry!" She cried, face softened immediately. She grabbed me to check if i was fine. How thoughtful.
"Just kidding." I said, earning another smack. Well deserved. I just enjoyed teasing her.

Instead of getting mad, she sat back down.
"So where's your friend, Crabbe and Goyle?" She asked. Why would they come see me? And why would you mention the people who called you a mudblood?
"They aren't coming." I said bluntly.
"Why not?" She asked again. Why would they? I couldn't help but frown.
"Oh my god- I'm so sorry!" She said, finally understanding. She sounded so apologetic.
"Hey, it's okay, Elizabeth." I said and it really was okay. She was with me, why wouldn't i be okay?
"No, it's not!" She argued. Stubborn little one. I grabbed her hands to shut her up and it worked.

"I'm sorry, Draco." She said after awhile. She didn't have to apologise. Ever. If anything, i needed to thank her for being with me.
She grabbed my hands which was clutching hers and looked into my eyes. Brown.
"You have me, Draco." she said,
"I will always be with you."

And i knew, it was never about the way she looked
Always the way she was
I could've fallen in love with her
with my eyes closed.

𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒓 𝑩𝒐𝒚 // 𝑫𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒐 𝑴𝒂𝒍𝒇𝒐𝒚  [under editing]Where stories live. Discover now