Chapter 25: End of first mission, beginning of a storm

Start from the beginning


There was the sound of a broken glass, followed by water falling from the sky. As soon as the water touches him, his skin begin to feel like it is burning and Ryo hissed in pain.

Watching from the side, Izuku couldn't help but to be amazed by how hunters work together to take down the enemy. While Kayama is dealing with Ryo, Todoroki threw a small bottle that contain some mysterious liquid into the sky, which was later destroyed by her. Unintentionally, Izuku muttered out, "That water isn't a normal water right...?"

"It is normal water with silver mixed in it." Todoroki replied.


"Because one of the way to defeat vampires is silver, the crazy fuckers from the investigator team come up with a new idea on how to use it. By grinding silver into powder and mixing it in water, they created a new item for the hunters to use." Katsuki explained.

"And because it contain silver, it's the best that you don't get too close to it." Todoroki said.

"I got it." Izuku nodded his head.

"It hurts! It hurts...! I'm hungry! I want blood! I'm hungry!" Ryo cried.

Even though Izuku knew that Ryo could be older than him, he still couldn't help but to see him as just a normal child. And looking at how Ryo is crying out in pain, Izuku resist the urge to go over to comfort him. He need to remind himself that Ryo is a heartless vampire who kill his own ally without hesitating.

"I'll kill you! I'll kill all of you!" Ryo screamed.

Sensing the murderous intent coming from him, Izuku brace himself for an incoming attack. While Ryo's shadow may be a little bit troublesome, it has been proven that he can only control one shadow at a time and on top of that, there seems to be a distance limit too. Because if Ryo is capable of controlling everyone's shadow at the same time, he'd have done it right from the beginning and they would be in a very deep trouble.

Izuku widen his eyes in shock when Ryo use his own shadow as a blade and cut off his own arm in order to free himself from Kayama's whip. Instead of attacking Kayama, who is caught off guard by his action, Ryo begin to sink into his shadow and disappear from their sight. What was left behind is just his right arm. Ryo may no longer be in sight but Izuku can tell that he is still close by.

"That fucker escape...!" Katsuki cursed under his breath.

"No, Kacchan! He didn't ran away! He's still nearby!" Izuku warned.

"Can you tell where his location is, Midoriya?" Todoroki asked.


It happened in a blink of an eye. From Izuku's shadow, Ryo rise up behind him. Before he can react, Ryo grad onto him and sink his fangs right into his shoulder.



A gunshot was heard from a faraway place and shot through Ryo's head. The vampire fall backwards and landed on the ground. It was a perfect headshot from Kaminari, who is hiding somewhere where he can see everyone. However, the murderous intent coming Ryo is still there.

He's not dead yet...

Izuku lunge himself at Ryo with his arm outstretch. His warp his hand around Ryo's neck, digging his nails into those pale skin and flesh, drawing blood. Izuku planned to knock Ryo out but the shadow hands grab onto his leg, arm and neck, stopping him from doing what he wanted to do.

A bright light flashed above Izuku and Ryo let out a pain cried. He lift up his hands to block the light as his ability came undone once again. Because Izuku's back was facing the light, it didn't stun his eyes so he's safe from stun grenade.

The night is darkest just before dawn (BakuDeku!Vampire AU)Where stories live. Discover now