~ Chapter.14 ~

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" Rishab take the car and go we can't waste the medical supplies."

" But Dhruv Arvindha..."

"Go Rishab and trust me I'll not let her be harmed. Sunny and I are trained we can protect ourselves, you staying will only hinder us as we'll then have to protect you too. Go." I reasoned with him.

Though reluctant he finally left.

Searching around the area for any clues, "Bro I think I found Arvindha's phone. " Sandeep said handing me a phone that was covered with wet mud. And indeed it was hers, the old samsung model with a patterned pastel cover.

But there was no other trace of where they could've taken her.

Even any vehicle tracks were erased by the rain and it wasn't helping that it was still drizzling with a slow hum, that my worry grew as more time passed but had no clue where she was.

Arvindha Bhatia's POV

My head was pounding and I felt like my entire body was being pricked by needles. I opened my eyes but everything thing around me was a blur. As I tried to move I realised my hands and legs were bound by ropes and I was sitting on a chair.

The last I remember was loading the car with the supplies but being stopped by a black car on my way back. My head pounded as I tried to remember what happened next, I saw a guy around my age or older who dragged me out of the car and covered my mouth with a drug infused cloth cause I don't remember anything beyond that.

I was in a rundown mill probably, from the looks of it. For locking up someone this place sure had too many windows. As I adjusted my eyesight which was still blurry, I saw the same guy from earlier enter the room, followed by a man dressed in all white.

" Finally Princess Juhi! What a long time it has been since we saw each other right? " the man questioned with a wicked smile on his face.

I realised with a start I was not in my disguise and these people took me thinking I was the princess. Panic rose in me upon the sudden realization but I tried not to show it nor say anything cause I didn't know these people and that would cause suspicion if I said something wrong.

" Always the tough one I see. Your family should've thought twice before calling off the marriage alliance between you and my son." He said pointing to the well built guy next to him dressed in all black in contrast to his father.

Another realization hit me when I realised who my abductors were. The old man was the MP of Medhinapur and the guy or more precisely my abductor was the guy Juhi was supposed to marry.

I felt a cold shiver run down my spine at the thought of them discovering I wasn't the princess they were looking for.

" Call her dear brother and let's see if this time he can save the last of the Royals." the old man said with a sinister smile on his face. The guy looked hesitant and suddenly he looked at me and mouthed " You brought this on yourself Juhi, I'm sorry." And proceeded to call the said person.

" Hello.." Dhruv's voice boomed through the phone as it was on speaker.

" Dhruv Meghdha this is the second time I have a Royal in my grasp under your security. I'm wondering if Medhinapur's power is deflating now." the old man spoke up.

" Raghuveer I swear if you lay your hands on her your death will be the most painful one, I promise you that. " Dhruv boomed his voice barely concealing his anger. I never thought there would be a day I wished so much to be by his side but now that's all I wanted.

" Dhruv..." I shouted but trailed off not knowing what to say.

" Princess I'm coming for you don't be scared, stay strong." He said.

" You gave 20 minutes to find your princess before she's burnt to ashes, save her if you can. " the old man said and cut the call before Dhruv could reply.

My heartbeat rose at his words and my palms were sweaty.

" Be happy I'm allowing you to reunite with your parents. You should've died that night itself, but you survived."

The man left with his son. The son whose name was turned around and looked back at me with so much pain in his eyes, that I thought maybe I was was hallucinating.

" This isn't how I wanted things for us to be Juhi. But you chose your parents and the throne over me, over us." Saying this he left locking the door before I registered what he had said. But when I did, confusion rose in my head, but didn't last long with the worry of my current state.

I never thought I would meet death so soon. I was praying and hoping Dhruv would find me and for the first time my heart agreed since I met him that I want to see his face if I was to die today, cause in the face of uncertainty my heart agreed that I liked him and wanted to be with him.

But the reality of my situation was just the opposite. I couldn't agree with the fact that I would die without telling my first love that I loved him, crazy how in a week's time I had fallen for my abductor himself. The desire to see him once overpowered my senses and I felt my foldable surgical blade in my coat. Happy for once, that I hadn't taken off my coat.

I reached into my front pockets and got hold of the blade . But it was a struggle to get it out. I felt the room temperature rise and smoke enter through the door and I realised they had set the place on fire.

Desperation clawed at my heart like a wings of a fallen bird and I finally brought out the blade, despite of having performed so many C - sections and sutures, cutting my hands free from the ropes was still a struggle. I proceeded to slash at the ropes bounding my legs and ankles. Once I was free I rushed towards the doors banging and shouting,

" Someone open up the door, please. Someone help."
" Is anyone out there, open the door please."
" Someone help."

I banged and banged until the smoke in the air made it difficult to breathe and I leaned against the wall next to the door as my body slid down in exhaustion and suffocation.

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It motivates me a lot to write.

It motivates me a lot to write

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