Chapter 14- Invasão

Start from the beginning

"I love you." He whispers and kisses my temple whilst putting his arm around me.

"Do you think she's going to be here?" I ask Jax and he shrugs.

"Hopefully." He says and I sigh.

The whole journey back to Brazil I spent in Jax's arms. He returned texts and what not on his phone but I didn't mind.

When we landed in Porto Algere we get off of the plane and there were cars lined up after each other. My eyes widen as I take the last few steps off of the plane.

"Lara" I hear Carter shout.

I look for him then head over to see how he was.

"Are you ready?" He asks and I nod whilst smiling.

I get into one of the cars sat inbetween Matteo and Jax whilst Carter was in the front passenger seat.

"So where's s my outfit, I want to atleast change my trousers and shoes." I say and Carter just coughs.

"I uh forgot them." He says and I sigh.

"Alright I'll just go in like this then." I say and he sighs.

Carter asks the driver to pull over which he does. I proceed to climb over Matteo and out of the car.

"You aren't going in there." Carter says and I furrow my eyebrows.

"Why?" I question confused.

"Because you're staying in the car." He says and I look at him stunned. Am I fuck?

"Você queria que eu estivesse ao seu lado para coisas assim por muito tempo e agora, agora você está me fazendo sentar no carro" I say getting annoyed with him. (you wanted me to be by your side for things like this for ages and now, now youre making me sit in the car).

"Vamos trazer Alannah de volta, eu prometo. mas agora precisamos garantir sua segurança também. você ainda não foi treinado. você não sabe como se proteger. então não, você e Amara ficarão no carro." He says and I roll my eyes. (We're gonna get Alannah back I promise you that. But right now we need to ensure your safety as well. You haven't been trained yet. you dont know how to protect yourself. so no, you along with Amara will stay in the car.)

"O caralho" I say and head back to the car but he grabs my wrist and turns me around.

"Its for your safely o amor." He says and I roll my eyes and signal for Matteo get out of the car so I can get back in.

For the rest of the journey to the warehouse Jax held my hand.

"There will be three guards stationed out side of both this car and the car infront with Amara in." Carter says and I roll my eyes.

He gets out of the car and when he does Jax brings my hand up to his mouth where he then kisses my hand.

"Be safe." I say to both Matteo and Jax and they nod before getting out.

It got boring after a while. I was sat in silence whilst listening to the gun shots and screaming, it wasn't a pleasant noise.

I have a feeling Alannah's here with every second that goes past the feeling grows stronger. I get out of the car and all three men look at me.

"Watch Amara's car, I'll be back." I say but a guard steps infront of me.

"Carter said you're not to leave the car." He says and I roll my eyes.

"I'm going in there. I know Carter said I'm not too but listen to me. You're going to let me go in there because I need to find my daughter." I say and he sighs and moves out of the way.

I head into the warehouse and head down to the basement when I get caught by Carter and Jax who are now walking up the stairs.

Carter sighs.

"Is she here?" I ask and they look at each other sadly making my eyes widen.

"Come on." Carter says and we head back outside.

"She has to be in there Carter." I say and he sighs and shakes his head.

"She isn't, there wasn't even that many Russians there." He says and I sigh and cover my mouth in shock.

Carter goes to hug me but I just step back.

"I need a minute." I say and walk a couple of meters away from them.

I look up at the dark sky as I feel like I was sinking. She is here I can feel it really strongly. I don't know what it is, I can just feel it. I keep my hand over my mouth as I try to keep myself together. I can't believe she isn't in there.

"Lara are you ready?" Dad asks and I I quickly take a deel breath and wipe away the tears. I turn around and smile at him before I get in a separate car from everyone. No Jax, no Carter, no no one.

My car was the last to the run way. I got out of the car and walked past dad and Carter and went straight on to the plane. I got in and sat away from everyone but as soon as everyone was on and the doors shut I started to feel suffocated.

"Esperar." I say standing up (Wait). Everyone looks at me and dad grabs my wrist.

"I need to get off." I say to the attendant and she looks at Carter, dad and Marco. But Carter shakes his head no.

"Stop trying to control me Carter for fuck sake I can't breath I need to get off of this plane." I shout and he sighs.

She ended up letting me off of the plane. I walked away from the plane as I held on to my chest.

"Hey." A girl voice says and I look at the side to see Amara stood there.

"I know shes still here, I can feel it." I say and she looks at one of the cars.

"Did you memorize the way from here to the warehouse." She says glancing back at the plane. Surprisingly no one was looking for us.

We got in the car that was unlocked and the keys were still in the engine. Who leaves the keys in the engine? I start the engine and we drive out of there.

We got a bit lost looking for the warehouse though and Amara was looking for a weapon. She looks in the compartment and finds a gun which makes me smile.

"It has bullets in it as well." She says and I nod.

"Is this the right turning?" I ask and she laughs.

"Definitely not you were supposed to go that way." She says pointing out her window. I sigh and quickly turn the car around

"Are you going to come inside with me?" I ask parking the car.

"No my brother is going to kill me, I'll be the getaway driver." She says once I climb out of the car. She climbs into the drivers seat and smiles.

"Good luck." She says handing me the gun.

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