Top or Bottom

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This is not part of the story really it's an option-

Ein is a top-
Aaron is mostly a bottom.

When I say "mostly" I mean....

Aaron can be top sometimes but it's mostly Ein who's top.

There we got that outta the way?


NOW we don't have to argue about this....

Also- with Katemau-

Aphmau's bottom

Katelyn's Top,

I'ma just list the ships top and bottom now I gusse....


Who am I kidding-

there both fucking tops what do you want me to say?

Garence (however you spell it)

I feel like there both bottoms but Garroth is mostly bottom and
Laurence is mostly top-

There switch

Kawaii~Chan X Reese

Do they even have a ship name- like I don't even ship them I just ha- Dam I could've put kawaii~chan and Lucinda Together- Oh well deed has been done.

Reese is a fucking bottom- there's no changing my mind- kawaii~Chan is top

Dante's Singel-

(Unless y'all wanna do a Reader X Dante thing- Y'all choose)

Daniel X Rylan

Hosntly- I don't know- I feel like Daniel's top- we'll go with Switch

Gene X Zenix

There switch-

That's all got- I'll keep ya updated on this chapter thing-

Hello me like a day later-

So one of my gfs (yes I have a girlfriend- two actually-) unlocked this ship

Aphmau X Katlyn X kawaii~Chan

Katlyn and kawaii~chan are top and Aphamu is bottom, let's just say- they take truns with her ;)

Einron (Ein X Aaron) 💙♥️Where stories live. Discover now