Christmas Special

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{this is fast forwarding to Ein and Aaron Dating a year or so}

Aaron's POV: "No-!"  Ein said sitting in the doorway of the front door, "Babe- It's just snow- it's not gamma hrut you-" I said sitting in front of him, it'd started snowing a few days ago and I wanted to go outside with Ein but- he somehow hates snow. ""I.Don't.Like.Snow!" Ein said with a growl, "Ok fine than- have it your way-" I said getting up and picking up Ein. "AARON LET ME GO!" He yelled trying to break free from my grasp, "Your surprisingly light-" I said carrying him outside and sitting him down in the snow. "WHAT'S THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN!" Ein asked standing up to look me on the eyes, "Your acting worst than Ren- I said sarcastically. "Fine! I'll be in the snow or whatever- can we at least go see Aphamu?" Ein asked, it's Christmas Eve and we haven't talked to Aph in a while so why not right? "Sure, it's been awhile anyway. Go get Quinn tho-" I said pointing back to the door. "Ok," He said walking to the door, not even ten seconds later I hear him yelling for Little Quinn. "Ok got her let's go!" Ein said dragging Quinn by the calor, gusse she hates snow to- like father like daughter I guess. "You two are impossible-" I said with a laugh Before following them.

Ein's POV: "APHAMU OPEN UP BEFORE I GET AARON TO BUST DOWN THE DOOR!" I yelled knocking on Aphamu's door as loud as I could, a few seconds later she opened it finally. "Oh my irene- BROTHER!" Aphmau said before hugging me tight and crying, "Don't make me regret this-" I said as she let go, "QUINN!" I hread a voice say from behind Aph as Ren ran past us to Quinn. "He loves her to much I swear-" Aaron said walking next to me. "There like best friends what do you expect! And there related so- that's to! " Aphmau said before Kawaii Chan Started screaming in the background. "come on in you guys- while I deal with that- KAWAII CHAN!!!" Aphmau said before walking into the house, we followed in after her and saw Kawaii Chan had started a fire. "WHY AND HOW DID THIS HAPPEN!" Aphmau continued to Yell at Kawaii Chan. "Hug!" Ren said as he suddenly hugged my legs. "Awww, Quinn why can't you be this cute?!" I said looking at Quinn, "Fuck you to dad-" she said before picking up Ren and walking to the living room. "Come on babe- let's go help Kawaii Chan Before the house bruns down," Aaron said warping his tail around mine and giving me a sweet smile. "Yeah- Good point let's go." I said before we went into the kitchen to help put out the fire.

{Merry Christmas I hopped you enjoyed this! Btw Quinn is a albino me'faw with red eyes while Ren is a blue and drown hair werewolf with a drown and blue eye. Also SwapGoldenFreddy  UwUz}

Einron (Ein X Aaron) 💙♥️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora