Fucking ship

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Aphamu's POV: "I need to make a call real quick..." I said leaving the boys at the table cunfused. I walked outside onto the back porch and I called a good friend of mine, "Hey can you come over I need you to see this" I said to the person on the other end of the phone, "Ok Aphamu~senpai!" I hread her say with a high pitched voice. A few minutes later There was a pink Mi'fwa at my door, "So why'd you call me over?" Kawaii~chan asked cunfused

"Your ganna flip..." I said grabbing her hand and pulling her to the kitchen. "There!" I said pointing to Aaron and Ein still sitting there now looking cunfused and worried. "So...?" She asked looking at them cunfused, "Hold up" I grabbed my phone and showed her a picture of them holding hands.


"3...2...and..." I counted down but before I could finish,


Aarons POV:

"Aphamu what did you do..." I said giving her a death stare. I looked over to see Ein's head on the table and his ears down in defeat. "Here" Aphamu showed me the picture she showed kawaii~chan....how in the name of Irene did she get this?! "FUCKING SHIP!" Kawaii~Chan scremed at the top of the lungs like always, Aphamu started dying of laughter it was the frist time we ever hread Kawaii~Chan cruse.

{What's up Bitches! Angel her UwUz this chapter was so fucking random...I don't know why I made it like this...I'm probably ganna edit this later..also sorry I'm not working on the my inner demom ships..I'm thinking of ideas to put in it T^T writing takes alot of thinking. I'll wrok on it soon don't worry! Also I'ma make a new book soon from a dream I had! Anyway that's all I have to say so bye!}

Einron (Ein X Aaron) 💙♥️जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें