Chapter 2

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C H A P T E R 2 | 
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The wiry man's screams filled the air as Adira slammed the hilt of her sword, causing the blade to dig deeper into his hand. Adira twisted the dagger and the man's voice echoed off the empty apartment.

Adira could tell that the man's apartment wasn't actually his home. Besides the fact that the man wore a dress suit and newly polished shoes, with her enhanced senses she could smell the old highs that were created in the room. Also, the nicely dressed man had a needle sticking out of his arm.

"You won't kill me, you're weak." The man panted. The full needle bounced as his fat arm jiggled.

Adira barked out a laugh, "You've never seen a piece of media have you?"

"Wha -What?" Adira reached into her jacket and pulled out her calling card and dangled it in front of her target's face. The look of confusion morphed into realization. And just as his eyes widened in horror, Adira dropped the card, pulled the blade out from his hand, and shoved it into the superior vena cava. The life left his eyes quick and Adira removed the blade, wiping it on the leg of his suit.

Carefully, Adira moved around the body and grabbed the pack of white dust that lay next to the leg of the wooden chair. She sheathed the dagger into the scabbard at her thigh and pocketed the drugs. Before she slipped out of the window, Adira pulled the needle out of the crook of the man's arm and squirted the liquid into a puddle in the corner; based on the smell, it was piss.

She crouched into the shadows and pulled a hoodie over her head, both ends of her butterfly swords stuck out the bottom of the fabric. Adira always wore her two butterfly swords strapped to her back in an 'X' design when she was going out, but she usually killed with a dagger because it felt more personal. As Adira started her walk back home, she could feel the start of her power draining: first, Adira's tongue became less sensitive, second, the skin on her hand became rough, next her smell would go leaving her with heightened eyesight and hearing.

The first time the Super Shots left Adira's body, she was only 14 and had just started the act of murdering. Mr. Isaiah had let Adira shoot up with one for free because he had been curious as to what would happen when it merged with her blood. Some die their first time, and others become addicted to the feel of their power, Adira wasn't either of those. For an hour, nothing happened and Mr. Isaiah continued to teach her special sword skills, but then everything happened all at once.

Adira's ears started ringing and it stole her attention, she brought her hands to her ears and Isaiah's sword cut into her skin. It was a dull sword and usually didn't hurt when it nicked Adira, but when it happened this time, an eardrum rupturing scream left her mouth. She had fallen to her knees, crying out in pain. Nobody had helped her and after a day, the pain finally started to dull.

Adira had to teach herself how to control her powers; when to use one and block out the others. It had taken two years but now, five years since that moment, her power had become more useful than she would've ever imagined.

Prime example: As Adira neared the divide between the rough, worn down and the newer, more expensive part of town, she heard a familiar, high pitched scream. Her heightened hearing was depleting but after she heard it for a second time, she broke out into a run. Her swords were clanking against each other in their scabbards, her breath came out in uneven puffs but she didn't stop running.

This would be a good time to have super speed, she thought sarcastically as she followed the screams as best as she could. That was one thing about Super Shots, the user never got to choose (or even request) what power the blue liquid would grant them. The closer she got, the more normal her hearing got until - finally - she skidded to a halt at the top of a tunnel. She peered over the side to see a young girl with blonde pigtails being cornered by two grown men. One had his red hair pulled back into a short ponytail and the sides of his head were shaved, the letter's 'T.I' carved into it. The other had jet black hair and a small scar split his left eyebrow.

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