Chapter 7

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The following morning, Adira woke up before the sun and changed into a pair of black workout shorts and a sports bra, she made her bed and slipped her feet into a pair of worn tennis shoes. Adira made herself a glass of water, threw in some headphones, and then made her way out of the apartment.

It would've been smart for the two to move after Allison became a permanent resident, not only because people were still hunting for her but also because they couldn't afford it. After Allison moved in, Adira got a different job and focused on staying clean, and when Adira fell off the wagon, so to speak, she took money out of their earnings to pay for her addiction.

Doing drugs took a lot out of a person, and after Natasha's death, Adira stopped lifting. Her health dwindled quickly and so did the money she had saved up. Every day she had to call off of work, Adira waited to be fired but it never came. Even when she went in high, they still kept her on. She hadn't done any physical activity in a long time, but she still decided to push herself.

Adira doubled how far she used to run;, she started doing wall sits and planks, and she began to lift weights. Mr. Isaiah paid her for the last job and with that money, Adira and Allison got paid up with their rent, and Adira even bought a training dummy. She didn't have enough money to buy weights so, on those days, she went to the gym.

She quit her day job and instead spent her days training. She knew that she needed to rest otherwise she'd hurt herself, but working out helped her stay away from drugs, so she did not rest.

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"Hi-ya!" Adira yelled as she kicked and punched the dummy. Mr. Isaiah hadn't given any more information up on Adira's target but that didn't bother her, she kept on training. She'd get paid a hefty sum if she completed this job, and then she'd pay off her debt to her Coordinator for the drugs she'd stolen.

"You're doing it wrong," Allison chimed from her spot on the couch. Their apartment was nice and open, but it wasn't large. The kitchen and living room spaces weren't even large enough for a dining table so they always ate at the island, and with Allison in the second bedroom, the training dummy had been put up in the girls' living room.

Adira looked toward Allison, pushing the few baby hairs off of her forehead. "What?"

Allison chuckled and got up off of the couch, "Are you sure you used to be an assassin?" She put her hands on Adira's waist - a waist that wasn't as bony as it used to be when she was using, but a waist that had also lost a few pounds with Adira's obsessive training. Allison nudged one of Adira's feet with her toes and fixed her stance.

Adira watched this and angled her head toward Allison's, their lips were nearly touching when she asked: "How'd you learn this?"

Allison froze for a second, seeming to hesitate, before replying. "I had to know how to protect myself." She kicked one of Adira's feet with more power than she was meaning to, and Adira tipped back onto her ass.

A laugh erupted from both of their mouths, extinguishing the tension. Adira flipped back onto her feet, using the opportunity as a chance to practice a few moves that were useful if trapped under a body, and then went back to punching and kicking the dummy. This time her feet were the correct space apart.

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Adira watched her mark enter the 20 plus floor apartment building. She had been waiting for her senses to heighten before following but, for whatever reason, it was taking longer than she remembered and she knew if she waited any longer she'd miss her window of opportunity. She trailed behind him, catching the glass door a second before it shut.

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