Chapter 14

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C H A P T E R14 |

Darren trailed behind the officers as they left the apartment, pulling Adira behind them. Once they were all outside the stone apartment building, Braceon pulled open the door to a white van with an eagle crest, and the female assassin was shoved inside and then chained to the floor. Darren wanted to protest but he knew that there wasn't anything her could do, he could try to find a lawyer that would take Adira's case, but with people disgusted by The Sword Stealer murders and Anthis only being home to a few lawyers, it would be near impossible to find one in time.

Darren planned on following the van in one of the cars that lined the street, seeing how he didn't own one, but the female officer with strawberry-blonde hair grabbed Darren's elbow and pulled him into the van, and chained him to the floor of the vehicle just like they had done to Adira.

"I'm not under arrest!" Darren hollered, but the van door had already been shut, leaving the two assassins, one that was under arrest and one that was left confused, in the back. Soon after, they heard the van's engine start and began to feel the tires against the asphalt road.

They didn't speak nor could they see because the back of the van was windowless and dark, the only sound that filled the space was the chainlink jingling with every discrepancy in the road. Neither Darren nor Adira knew that after 30 minutes they had entered onto the castle grounds, nor did they know that the Queen awaited their arrival.

The van came to a sudden stop and Darren's head slammed into the wall of the van, the feeling of a bump already present. Adira was unchained first and dragged out of the van, her wrists burning from the force, and was brought into the castle.

Even though she'd been patted down after being cuffed, a castle guard checked her hoodie, eyed her bare legs, and then motioned the officer forward. Adira was led through an old, moldy servant tunnel and then left in a cold room that reminded her of a medieval dungeon: the small six-by-six room was made out of basalt stone; the uneven floor cut her bare feet as she was forced to cross the room and sit behind a metal table in a smooth metal chair, her hands cuffed to the floor in thick black chains. The dungeon was bright despite the lack of windows and one cracked ceiling light, its walls were lined with rectangular concrete blocks and moss grew in many places, sprawling like limbs along the walls.

The chair was ice cold on Adira's bare legs and goosebumps dotted them. She usually wore jeans when she left but the officers hadn't even given her a pair of pants to wear, at least Darren had it better, he was only shirtless and unlike Adira, he was warm-blooded. There wasn't a mirror on one of the walls, but above the door was a small television and it turned on at the same time that Darren was thrown into the room, gently compared to how Adira had been handled. The female officer dragged a chair behind her and placed it on the opposite side of the room before she chained Darren's hands behind him.

Adira nodded her head to him to acknowledge his presence but kept her eyes trained on the TV screen where her face was plastered. It was an older photo - one from when Adira had just begun her journey as an assassin and it was replaced by a video of Adira training in a gym.

She was on a weight bench, something that shouldn't have been suspicious, but it due to the words THE SWORD STEALER HAS BEEN REVEALED running across the bottom of the screen, it was. The video showed Adira in a black workout suit on a treadmill and the footage continued as she wiped the sweat from her brow and pulled a t-shirt over her chest.

The footage was only a few months old, Adira realized as she watched, it was from when she had just rejoined the ranks of murdering. The scene changed to Adira when she was at the coordination dressed like a princess. It showed her dancing with Darren before it changed to the fight outside of Darren's house, zooming in as she clambered off of the yellow grass, her hood back and out of breath.

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