10. Come Back Home

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"Greetings, Prince Taehyung. A letter was delivered this morning for you. It is supposed to be read by you as soon as possible." The chief knight said.

"Okay, give it to me. Did my parents send this letter, Jimin?" Taehyung asked.

"I am not sure, My prince. Though, there is a loyal seal on the letter. So, it's most likely sent by your parents" Jimin replied while handing the Prince the royal letter.

"Dear Taehyung,

I hope you're doing well. I am so happy to inform you that you have completed your training successfully. I had a conversation with the pack's army general yesterday and he confirmed that you're ready to come back home and to take a new step in your life.

The whole kingdom is eagerly awaiting for you to bless them with your presence, son.

Unfortunately, I and your mother won't be there to welcome you. The neighbouring packs on the north side and east side of our kingdom are upset with us because of the new rules that were enforced by me to protect our borders.

It seems that they're not happy that we decided to station some of our best warriors on the north side and east side borders. And since your residence is near the east gate of the kingdom I was worried about your safety and immediately called the army general to ask for updates on your training and coincidentally your training was also finished.

I want you to pack your belongings and leave your residence as soon as you can. Though your current residence has the best security guards our pack can offer, I don't want to take any risk with your safety. I would try to resolve the issue as soon as possible. I am also very eager to see the face of my grown-up son.

I and your mother missed you very much, son. Hope to see you very soon, son.

With love

Your Father
Jeon Wonshi"

Taehyung was very tempted to rip the letter in half. But he tried to calm himself, for the sake of Jimin. Jimin is very sensitive to smells and Taehyung knows for a fact that his scent could be very overwhelming when he is angry. He is an Alpha after all.

He folded the back and put it back in its cover and gave the letter back to Jimin.

"Jimin take this letter and throw it in the garbage bin for me, please. And also prepare a carriage for me. Looks like we're going back to our home after 18 years."


"And Jimin?"

"Yes, my prince?"

"My punishment for eating your dumplings should've been over this morning. Can you please stop with the formal behavior and "my prince". It's so weird to hear you say "my prince". Go back to normal, please?" Taehyung whined.

Taehyung was giving his best puppy eyes to Jimin. He looked like he was seconds away from pouting and stomping his leg on the floor, so Jimin decided that he has teased his best friend enough for today and decided to end his misery by finally addressing him as Taehyung after 34 hours. And no he wasn't counting at all.

"I'll arrange for your departure, Taehyung. You should instruct your maids to pack your clothes and other belongings. Try to sleep as much as you can, the journey would be very tiring. We need to leave before morning, so we can reach the castle before night" Jimin said and left the room.

Taehyung was happy to hear his best friend address him by his name again, but the thought of leaving this place, the place where he grew up saddened him. He has so many memories related to this place.

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