8. Who's pregnant?

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Hanbin (Binnie, Hannie)-

• Right hand of the current ruler and the chief of the Rosias pack’s army.

Additional Information – None.

Hanbin and Jooyoung decided to visit the Queen’s chamber as early as possible. Jooyoung was a bit nervous but he was able to hide it well. Hanbin knocked on the door to the permission from the king and queen to enter the chamber and opened the door for both of them to enter after the king yelled a “Come in!” from the other side.

Hanbin was the first one to congratulate them with a “Congratulations to the King and the lady”.

Jooyoung was about to wish them too but before he could he noticed the frown on the face of the King, the queen was still in a daze it seems.

Confused, Jooyoung asked, “Wonshi, What’s wrong? Why are you frowning?” The king snapped out from whatever trance he was in and replied, “Nothing. It’s just weird seeing you two together. Jooyoung why are you here with him?”

Jooyoung knew that the focus here is not on ‘Why’. It is on ‘why ---- with him’. And he panicked. They totally forgot about that. No one knows that they’re together. No one knows that the chief of the army is his mate.

Hanbin, after sensing his mate’s nervousness replied for him “Coincidence, your highness. How is the lady doing by the way, if you don’t mind me asking” and he diverted the attention away from them successfully. Jooyoung silently thanked him when the king took the bait and stared rambling about how happy he is now that he is finally going to become a father, how his baby is going to be the best ruler etc. etc.

Suddenly he stopped his rambling. “Jooyoungie, I know I’m always asking you for a favor but can you please check on the queen and tell me the gender of the baby? Because only you’re capable of doing that” and of course the said male agreed, after all he wanted to confirm if his plan worked or not.

Once he was standing near the bed where the both rulers were resting, he placed his hand upon the queen’s stomach and closed his eyes. His hand started to glow and he started muttering some weird language. After a while, he withdrew his hand and opened his eyes and said with a straight face,

Congratulations, the queen is pregnant with twin Boys"

And the king was on seventh sky after hearing this. He was going to be a father of not one but TWO boys. Oh how happy he was.

“Forgive me for interrupting your celebration and for not staying here any longer but I can sense that the other royals are here in the castle to congratulate you both. So, I’ll better get going” Jooyoung left immediately after that, he didn’t even bother to look at Hanbin who was looking at him with a questioning gaze.

After excusing himself from the king, Hanbin went to his own quarters for some privacy and touched his necklace and the necklace started glowing (let me explain this in short- It works like a phone).

“Baby, what’s wrong? What happened back there when you were checking up on the queen? And don’t to dare try to try, I know something happened.” He knew Jooyoung was listening on the other side.

The other replied meekly, “Hannie, the queen is pregnant”. Hanbin was confused because that’s what they both wanted anyway, so what’s wrong. And he voiced out his thoughts “So what petal? That is what we both wanted, right?”

Jooyoung was silent for a moment and then he started sobbing; now Hanbin was more confused than ever and also worried for his lover.

Before he could say anything, the other replied “Hannie, I lied. The Queen is pregnant with only ‘One Boy’.

"I don’t—I don’t understand what happened or where did I go wrong Hannie. I am sure that the potion that I created was perfect. TELL ME WHERE DID I GO WRONG WITH MY LIFELONG PRACTICE? I don't even know what possessed me to lie to the queen and the king, they'll realize eventually that I lied to them hannie. I don't know what to do” and he started crying uncontrollably.

Hanbin was shocked when he heard this. But he was the chief of the army for a reason. He calmly stated “Petal, what if this is their plan? Don’t you think that there’s a possibility of them changing the plan? Maybe they found some fault in our plan and decided to change a few things to perfect our plan?” After hearing this Jooyoung stopped crying immediately. And it was silent for a moment.

Hanbin heard a whisper of 'Oh fuck', and seconds later an invisible Jooyoung, (who was also very much visible to Hanbin) was entering in his chamber and then running straight into his arms.

Hanbin was again, shocked.

Still he hugged the smaller male tightly but froze when the smaller male uttering something. And Hanbin swears that he heard something along the lines of-

Hannie, I’m pregnant. And it’s a boy”

Hanbin fainted.

Hey there! I'm so sorry for the late update. Wattpad deleted my drafts 😭😭.
But I'm back again! And I'll try to update this book as soon as possible.

Till then guess the names of their babie boiis 🤩.

And please comment about anything you want to say. Byeeee~

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