7. Unexpected arrival - Not really

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Skip to a couple of weeks-

The castle’s atmosphere was different. The moment Jooyoung entered the gates of the castle he knew something has changed, the air smelled like joy and happiness. Well he was a witch after all. One of the reasons no one was able to know about his existence was that he could sense the danger or any emotion through the air around him.

He made a beeline for the king’s and queen’s room and found them still in the bed cuddling each other. But he knew that they weren’t themselves right now. Right now their bodies were possessed by two lover souls. He grinned, after seeing that his plan has, indeed, succeeded. After all these years of him trying to summon the souls and the agonizing pain throughout the whole process was worth it after all. He couldn’t contain his happiness and started doing his happy lil dance and was happily skipping in the hallways until he bumped into a wall. 



Walls don’t laugh.

He looked up. 


“B-binnie? When did you come back”?

The male stopped laughing and replied with a serious tone in his voice “What have you done, my love?” He wasn’t one to beat around the bush.

Jooyoung fell silent. He couldn’t breathe. Did everyone figure out that it was him? No No. That can’t happen. What about his plan-

“Love? What happened? Are you okay?” The male was panicking now. Jooyoung was just standing there looking so pale all of a sudden. Jooyoung replied with a meek 'I’m fine' and gathered all his courage and asked the man, ”H-how do you know that it was me? Did you tell anyone else? Did everyone find out? Did-

“Breathe Love, Breathe. No one knows about it. And I knew it was you the moment I stepped foot into the castle and a servant informed me that,

The Queen is pregnant.

Because apart from you only I know what happened that night.”

Jooyoung released a breath didn’t know he was holding till now. “Oh... I-I thought- y’know what never mind. I’m pretty sure you already know the reason behind all this. So please don’t ask me ‘why I did it?’ or anything even remotely close to it. I just need your support Binnie. I can’t do this alone. 

The other male in response to Jooyoung’s plead started chuckling and said, “Love, I’ll always support you. No matter the situation. Now, enough with the talk we both are supposed to visit ‘The Lady’s’ Chambers’ and congratulate her about our future rulers. C’mon!”  

"Uhm.... About that we can't really go there and meet them right now... "

"They're still here, aren't they?"

"Yes Binnie, they're taking their time in perfecting everything. Though I'm sure that they're going to be mad at me for doing this later and most importantly for disturbing their peaceful and happy life that they're living up there in heaven. They know it's important. To punish the guilty and protect the innocent comes above every peace."

"And I'm sure that they're taking their time to make sure that the guilty is going to suffer just as much as they did."

Hey everyone! Sorry for the late update. Life is a bit hard for me right now. I'm having a hard time with sorting out some things and One major thing being my financial situation. My laptop stopped working a couple of months ago and along with that I lost all my work too. I had everything set out for the next 5 chapters in it. I'll try my best to update soon though. And if anyone is willing to help me out (please message me), You're more than welcome! Thank you!😊

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