5. Jooyoung

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Han Jooyoung was the only male witch to ever born in the witch community. Therefore he was always hated by all the other creatures out there for they all thought he was some kind of evil being. When his parents gave birth to him, they were terrified when they found out that their child was a male witch and decided to kill him but the king of Rosias pack at that time, who was a good friend of the couple, volunteered to kill the child. Everyone was surprised when they heard that their king is going to be the one to kill the child but also happy that their king decided to get rid of the evil himself.

But the king never killed the child. He, instead, raised him as his own son while keeping him hidden away from the rest of the world. He taught the child everything he could about his nature. Since the king was a wolf, he didn’t knew much about the witch’s nature so he decided to ask his personal advisor for help, who happened to be a witch herself. She agreed to help but on one condition.

The King has to marry her.

And guess what? The King agreed in a heartbeat, without any hesitation. The child meant a lot to him. He knew the child was special. He was ready to sacrifice everything for the child, even his happiness, even his lover, if it meant that the child could live a happy life.

Jooyoung was only 3 years old when the king of Rosias pack married his personal advisor all the while keeping his eyes trained on his lover who was crying tears of pain. The king was dying inside but he knew that it was for the best.

After the marriage the queen loved Jooyoung like he was her own son and she also made sure to teach the little Jooyoung everything she knew of. Literally everything. She was the most powerful witch after all; the main reason as to why the king made her personal advisor in the first place and also agreed to married her.

Jooyoung was 4 years old when the Queen gave birth to a Prince.

The King and Queen named the child Jeon Wonshi. They tried their best to treat both of them equally. The couple loved both of them more than their own life.  Wonshi was not the most lovable kid but was certainly a brave and strong one. The King thought that it would be a good idea for Jooyoung and Wonshi to grow up together. He introduced them to each other and they instantly clicked. Wonshi was being trained to inherit the throne after his father as he was the only child. Wonshi never liked playing with other children but when it came to Jooyoung, he would let the older to even braid his hair. But not everything is all sunshine and rainbows as it seems, is it?

Jooyoung was still dead for everyone. No one remembered him.

Jooyoung was 20 when the King and Queen were assassinated. No one knew why someone would even assassinate them as they were the most kind and lovable rulers. But they were dead now.

Jooyoung wasn’t allowed to attend the funeral. He was supposed to be dead after all.

But Jooyoung was a stubborn witch. He would do anything if it meant that he could attend the funeral of his Mommy and Papa (The queen forced him to address them as his father and mother).

He made himself invisible to the eyes of others and went to the funeral.

Not before inviting a special someone to come with him.

The lover.

Kim Jihyun.

They were late.

(This is the funeral

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(This is the funeral. Minus the girl. The boy is Jihyun)

Jeon Taehyun and Lee Shina’s death bed lost all the flame in front of their eyes the moment they reached there. They were just ashes now.

Jooyoung was still invisible. Jihyun was not. No one stopped him when he volunteered to burn himself alive. According to a saying, he would now be protecting their king in the afterlife. And this was the only thing Jihyun could do for his lover. So he didn't even bat an eyelash when the fire surrounded his body and eventually engulfed him in it's embrace.

I'm coming to you my love. We can finally be together like we always wanted to.

Jooyoung kept on crying uncontrollably as he already knew what was going to happen.
But he couldn't do anything to stop it from happening. It was Jihyun's choice after all.

Wonshi was nowhere to be found after the funeral. Jooyoung was searching for him. He didn’t mean to eavesdrop. But he was glad he did. He knew now who killed his Mama and Papa.

Oh how he wished he didn’t.

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