XI. Lingering Sadness

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Night Time....

Jin made sure that So hee was already asleep in their royal bedroom.

He sneaked out and brought out his robe.

As he went out he looked around hoping for any signs of Jisoo.

He continued walking until he was able to stop by the lake nearby.

He looked at his reflection in the lake, then he fell back on the grass as he was startled with a face appearing on it

"Deity of Fate and Luck?"

"It is me again. And you totally made the worst decision ever. You dare defy me?" The lady angrily spoke through the waters.

"I had no control over it. They wanted me to marry and it was my only way to save the kingdom."

"And waste the love you had for Jisoo?"

"S-She doesn't want me anymore... I thought you'd know that."

"And now you have that lingering sadness darling..but still I cannot believe that you didn't have the courage to fight for your love."

Jin looked down and realized that the deity was indeed right.

He just let her go so easily.

"Better face the consequences Kim Seok Jin... You should have followed my orders..." Then the deity faded.

What consequences will I face?.. He wondered.

"Hey..." He heard a familiar voice.

He looked up and saw Jisoo with her bright smile, her eyes shone more under the moonlight.

She ended up sitting beside him on the grass as they looked at the night sky.

"Why do we always meet at a time like this?" Jin asked

"Don't know.. but hey, congratulations on your wedding."

"Tsk...here you are congratulating me after you rejected my genuine confession."

Jisoo looked at him apologetically.

"Look.... given with my situation please understand me Jin.. I cannot trust you after what you've done to me."

"Awhile ago... I saw you walking with Jinyoung... What are you doing with that punk?"

"We're now dating..."

Jin gave her a death glare..

"Do you now like that guy?"

"Duh, would I date him if I don't like him?"

Jin clenched his fist again.

Then all of a sudden he pulled Jisoo closer to him as he held both her shoulders.

"Jisoo....just give me a chance... I really have changed... I know it's hard to trust me right now... but just know that I will wait for you.."

He then forcibly kissed her, Jisoo resisted as she smacked his broad shoulder.

His tears fell as he kissed her.

After their kiss, Jisoo looked away.

"Just for tonight.. I'd kiss you." Jin muttered sadly.

Meanwhile behind the bushes....

Soo Hee was standing, her face was full of rage..

Then she walked back.

I can't believe that horrible king cheated on me.... She thought angrily.

The next morning.....

Jisoo was watering the plants and So Hee happened to pass by.

"Aren't you a Court lady? Shouldn't you be there bringing me a cup of tea?" So Hee spoke

Jisoo stopped what she was doing and looked at her.

She then bowed down.

"I'm sorry Your Highness... I'll serve you your tea."

"You better do your duty well." So Hee rolled her eyes and walked away.

She went to a room where her father was waiting.

She sat on the floor across him.

"The King... He seems to be fond with a court lady..." So Hee said

"What do you mean?" Her father asked

"He is having an affair with her.."

So Hee's father smirked

"We could use this against him and steal his throne...That King is so naive."

"I so approve of that plan Father.... We should prepare our troops.. It's time we conquer this kingdom." So Hee gave out an evil smile.

Back at the archery area.....

Jin was hitting the target with his bow and arrow.

Jinyoung was standing on the sides as he noticed Jin's mood.

"Gwaenchana Your Highness?"

"Yes I totally am." He kept shooting out arrows.

After the last arrow was shot, Jinyoung smiled and clapped his hands.

"You know... I realized that Jisoo was a really fun girl... She's unique in her own way..."

"And why are you telling me that now?"

"I like her."

"Jinyoung.... It is so inappropriate to like a court lady.."

Jisoo happened to pass by.

"Why? There's no such rule."

"Jinyoung.... you shouldn't like her.... because... she's.. mine."

Jinyoung was surprised with his words, his mouth slightly parted and his eyebrows furrowed.

Jisoo looked down and felt her heart racing so fast....

|end of Chapter |

Love in GORYEO |•BTS Jin & BLACKPINK Jisoo•|Where stories live. Discover now