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Dash: Woah AJ. What was that?

Applejack: Ah said that ah will beat ya.

Sunset: Well. Where is my money Dash.

Dash: 💰

Sunset: 🤑

Applejack: Don't be this happy Sunset.

Sunset: Why? 😆

Applejack: Cos Dash didn't told me what ya where talking about.

Sunset: Oh no.

Applejack: That mean that ah have to come to ya place.

Dash: Sunset. Run.

Sunset: I don't need to run.

Dash: Believe me, you will run.

Sunset: I just go into hide.

Dash: Good luck.

Sunset: Shit. She found me.

Dash: Why are you texting? RUN!

Applejack: Ya can run, but ya can't hide.

Dash: Quick. Come over to my place.

Sunset: Looks like Sunset isn't available. What should ah tell her.

Dash: Sunset don't tell her.

Applejack: If you two won't talk to me, I'll let my bat talk.

Dash: Oh no.

Dash: I'll tell you, but you need to come over again.

Applejack: Don't falling for that shit.

Dash: So... Sunset and I made a pact.

Applejack: And?

Dash: When I help her with some thing, she would do me a favor.

Applejack: What favor?

Dash: You see it's complicated.

Applejack: The only thing I see is my bat taking care of Sunset, if ya won't tell me.

Dash: Just come over to my place an leave your bat at home.

Applejack: Do ya really want a second broken arm.

Dash: No. I just wanna talk.

Applejack: It's to late to talk.

Dash: Nooo.

Applejack: Huh

Dash: I....

Applejack: I what?

Dash: I-I like y-you.

Applejack: Ah know that you like me.

Dash: Really?

Applejack: Yeah. We're friends after all.

Dash: WHAT?

Applejack: I just wanna know about whom ya were talkin'.

Dash: We were talking about you, AJ.

Applejack: Why me?

Dash: You have such a little brain.

Applejack: Don't call me dumb.

Dash: I'm not calling you dumb.

Dash: And I l-like y-you more then just f-friends.

Applejack: Dash we're already best friends.

Dash: Do you know what?

Applejack: What?

Dash: You are dumb.

Applejack: Enough. Say goodbye to Sunset.

Dash: Wait. No.

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