A proof for a roof

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Rarity: Beautiful? Well thanks darling. 

Dash: NO, that's not what I mean.

Rarity: Than. What do you want to tell me?

Dash: Why did you send Fluttershy after us.

Rarity: I didn't.


Rarity: DID NOT!

Sunset: Didn't worked out as expected? Huh

Dash: And for you?

Sunset: Could be better.

Rarity: ?

Rarity: Oh my. You two planned this all along, didn't you?

Sunset: Don't know what you mean.

Rarity: But its so obvious.

Dash: What is obvious?

Rarity: That you two where acting this up.

Sunset: Any proof?

Rarity: Well....

Dash: Knew it.

Sunset: There is no roof.

Rarity: What roof?

Dash: Yeah Sunset. What roof?

Sunset: I meant proof.

Dash: But then you need to get roofed.

Sunset: Stop it.

Rarity: You two quit it. I want to hear the truth.

Dash: You mean the roof.

Rarity: This isn't even the same.

Sunset: But it sounds the same.

Rarity: OK. I don't need the proof.

Dash: Rarity doesn't need a roof. 🤣

Sunset: 😂

Sunset: I think she is gone.

Dash: Did you got here.

Sunset: I think so.

Dash: What does that mean?

Sunset: Well. She knocked me out.

Dash: She punched you?

Sunset: No. She gave me the Sedative.

Dash: Oh, I see.

Sunset: She waited for me to wake up, only to give me an angered look and went away.

Dash: oof

Sunset: And for you?

Dash: You already know. Fluttershy happened.

Sunset: Do you need more time before I claim her my girl.

Dash: Duh. Of course.

Sunset: Then good luck.

Dash: And get roofed.

Sunset: Shut up.

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