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Dash: Hi

Dash: Hello?

Dash: Helloo?

Dash: Anybody in here still active?

Dash: I see that you are still in this chatroom. Why wont you come on.

*Unknown*: Hello my friend.

Dash: ? 🤔

Dash: Who are you?

*Unknown*: Just someone.

Dash: Uhrgg

*Unknown*: Where you ever alone?

Dash: ?

*Unknown*: With no friends to talk to?

Dash: Yes?

*Unknown*: Yes? Just talk with Bob.

Dash: Who?

*Unknown*: You can talk with him, feed and also wash him.

Dash: What?

*Unknown*: He can answer you questions and give helpful tips.

*Unknown*: He can be the friend you never had or a replacement for them who left you.

*Unknown*: It's easy to get friends. But if you are tired of making some or you always loose them, it's time to get Bob your new best friend.

*Unknown*: He will never leaf you or ignore your massages.

*Unknown*: If you get him now you can get his friend Elise to.

Dash: Wait two new friends.

*Unknown*: Yes you heard right. Bob and Elise.

Dash: I want them.

*Unknown*: Alright. Just transfer the money to our contacts and you are free to go.

Dash: Just wait a sec.

Dash: Got it.

*Unknown*: Great. You are now the best friend of Bob and Elise.

*Unknown*: If you did everything right, they will get to you by tomorrow.

Dash: Yes

*Unknown*: But don't make them angry.

Dash: Angry?? Why?

Dash: Hello?

Dash: Why shouldn't I make them angry?

Dash: Please tell me!!

Sunset: Tell what?

Dash: That Unknown person from where I just bought Bob and Elise.

Sunset: Dash? Who are you talking about?

Dash: The person who wrote to me in this chatroom.

Sunset: When?

Dash: Just before you texted.

Sunset: Dash. Your message 'Please tell me!!' was the first since moths.

Dash: What?

Dash: No noo

Dash: This strange person just texted here.

Sunset: Now I'm worried.

Dash: You should be.

Sunset: No. Worried about you.

Dash: Why?

Sunset: You say that you texted to someone who never existed.

Dash: That's Uhrgg

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