What happened (Special)

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earlier this day

Like Twilight mentioned earlier was she going to drive to her best friend. Sunset Shimmer. She packed a first aid kit and a sedative. For safety, she also put ropes in her car.

When everything was packed, she started the car and drove to Sunset's place. She parked on the driveway in front of the house. Twilight looked around and started worrying, because all the shutters were down.

She went to the front door and rang. No sound. 'Must be defect.' Twilight thought, so she climbed over the fence in the backyard and tried the second door. 'Also locked. Normally this door is always open or a key lies under the door mat.' She looked under the door mat but no key to be found, so she had to find another way in.

There was a small open window on the second floor. 'Glad I brought the rope.' She chuckled and tied the rope to a hook to throw it up to the window. Twilight climbed up the rope and thru the window, only to see that she was in a little storage room. Because of all the things in this little room, it took her half an hour to get thru it.

As soon as Twilight was out of the storage room, she went directly to Sunset's bedroom. Twilight stood in front of the door she knocked first, but no response. So she decided to go in. She looked around and there was ....


As Twilight recognized that the room was empty, she started yelling. "Sunset. Where are you?!" No one answered, so she didn't hesitate and looked all over the place. From the living room to the bathroom. Twilight even checked the small storage room, where she climbed in. But Sunset was nowhere to be found.

When She passed Sunset's room again Twilight heard someone. Someone whimper? She entered the room and looked in the closet but nobody there. "Sunset where are you?" Twilight said in a worried tone, as she stumbled over Sunset's schoolbag and found her.

There she was. Under her bed. Rolled in with messy hair and watery eyes. "Oh my. Sunset. What's wrong?" Twilight reached her hand to Sunset. Without any time to react Sunset bite Twilight in her finger. "Ahk. Sunset!" She quickly pulled her hand back and saw a tooth footprint on her finger. Suddenly Sunset hissed "Leave me alone!" "Do you wanna talk?" Twilight asked worried but no response.

Twilight only smirked and put something out of her bag what looked like a bonbon. Before she leaved her home, she had prepared some bonbons with Sedative in case she needed it. She holed it in Sunset's direction. "Hey Sunset. Want some sweets?" Without long waiting Sunset took the trap. 'And now waiting' With this thought's Twilight laid down on the bed and waited.

She maybe was fallen asleep. As she felt some movement, she quickly opened here eyes and the only thing she saw was a blurry stain, somehow familiar.....

Somehow red-orange colored.....

Suddenly it hit her....

that was Sunset.

'Shouldn't she be asleep by now....'

But Twilight couldn't think about something else as suddenly Sunset pressed her lips against Twilights. Twilight was shocked, she never had thought that Sunset was like this. She tried to break free of Sunset's grip, but she lost the fight and got pinned down to the bed.

'It somehow feel good....'

Twilight began to enjoy the feeling of Sunsets lips on hers, as they kissed what feels like an eternity. Sunset made a short break and whispers soft "I know you like it" and confirms herself. Twilight smiled still not seeing anything.

Even if she would like to have more, something is holding Twilight back. But she can't say what. Suddenly.

'No it can't' Twilight snapped out of it and somehow managed too free her from Sunset. She then took here glasses to face Sunset. "What was that?!" "Did you even take the bonbon?" Twilight sounded a bit angered and confused. "Oh, I don't need this kind of medicine~" Sunset answered flirtatious. "What?!" Twilight looked at Sunset, who just smirked "It was so easy to get you here" With that Twilight slapped her right in the face. "Ouch. What was that for?" "You know for what." Sunset sighed and faced down the bed. "You can't do this to me." "I just..." "No excuses!"

"Please Twilight. I'm sorry." "No. We talk about it when you wake up."

"Wake up?"

Without Sunset noticing Twilight took three of her prepared bonbons and put them in Sunset's mouth. Twilight held her mouth closed until she was sure that Sunset swallowed them. "Twilight. W-why...." Sunset's vision went blurry and she felt asleep.

Twilight laid Sunset down on the bed as she sat besides her in case something happened. She then sighed and put out her phone to text in the group chat.

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