The Summer We Changed (Chapter-5)

Start from the beginning

"No," I muttered and then eventually smiled at him. It was hard to be mad at him just because he was so popular. That was so petty.

"Hey you guys!" Someone waved at us. "Come on, are you going to stand there all day!"

"Let's go," I said and he nodded in agreement.

There was not a single person from our senior year who was not there. The music was so loud that I felt like my ears would pop. Thanks to the soundproof walls otherwise the neighbors would have definitely sued the Simpsons. There were boxes and boxes of alcohol and even a mini beer wending machine by the pool.

"Hey there, Elena!" A voice said and I turned to see Jamie Crosby from another section stalking towards me in his wet swimming trunks. He and Adrian were the two competitors in our school when it comes to good looks. But while Adrian was the good boy, Jamie was exactly the opposite. Last year he did a big drama by confession his so-called love for me in front of the entire school. He was suspended for a month for pulling such a stupid stunt but I made a mental note to avoid him as long as we both were in the same school.

"Hey there, Jamie," I muttered, not bothering to look at him at all. He staggered towards me,heavily drunk already and placed a wet arm on my naked shoulder.

"Do you look beautiful," He grumbled with his iconic flirty lop-sided smile, showing his perfect teeth. "Let me get you a drink, come,"

"Er no...thanks," I said. "I am good,"

"Oh come on, Ellie!" Jamie squealed, squeezing my shoulder. It was so annoying but his arm was too heavy for me too shrug off.

"Her name is Elena," Adrian hissed, appearing from nowhere. Where did he go anyway? But wherever it was, I was glad he was back and man does he look pissed!

"Huh? So what only you can call her Ellie?" Jamie grumbled, his words were a little slurry. How did he mange to get so drunk so soon?

"Yes," Adrian answered, eyeing him shrewdly. He looked down at me, grab my arm and gave it one swift tug. I clambered over to him with a jerk and Jamie who was somehow standing with my support wavered on his two left feet! Ha! That's my man!

"You asshole!" Jamie growled, waving the beer bottle at Adrian. "She is not your girlfriend, let go off her!"

"That's none of your bloody business," Adrian answered coolly. "Fuck off now,"

Fuck off! Adrian said fuck off! Oh dear...

"Do you want to fight?" Jamie barked, looking lethal. "Huh? Let's fight Adrian fucking Davis! Come on...let's make it clear to everyone who's the best,"

By now the entire school that was present here have gathered by the pool, half cheering for Adrian and the other half for Jamie. I watched horrified as Adrian removed his suit jacket and draped it over my right shoulder. He then loosened his tie and gracefully folded up his sleeves, looking a little scary.

"No, Adrian," I whispered, pleadingly. "Let him go this time. Please?"

"It's high time," He hissed his dark eyes even darker. "He needs to stop harassing you. And I think it's time people should know who actually is the best,"

"But.." I started but in vain because he was strolling towards Jamie with a determined look. I grimaced at the thought of Adrian fighting. He was not the type to fight with others. Adrian was more of a reserved person, minding his own business.

He reached Jamie in two long strides and grabbed his collar, taking him by surprise. Jamie who was really drunk clawed around the air missing Adrian every time. It was actually funny to watch him trying to punch Adrian again and again. I thought Adrian was going to punch him but to my surprise and everybody else's as well, he merely pushed Jamie backwards and he toppled straight into the pool, clawing wildly as the cold water knocked some sense into his stupid brain. The crowd burst out laughing and I couldn't help but smile.

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