"Thank you for your concern, but I am alright. I wish to be back starting from tomorrow," Clarity said in a monotone voice with a bow.

If it was possible, she would have preferred a permanent break, but that wasn't likely to happen given the current situation. In that case, it would be better to do everything to seem like a good secretary to gain favourability and ensure survival.

After all, that is her top priority.

"You now..." Jin raised an eyebrow at her adamant response.

Clarity could see his amused look, but decided to ignore it as she headed towards the exit. Before she closed the door behind her, she happened to make eye contact with Taehyung, who was staring back at her with an explainable gaze. Clarity felt chills ascending behind her back as her mind flashed to her death in the original plot.

"Please ignore my nonsense from earlier," she spoke to Jin with a calm smile, subconsciously avoiding Taehyung's eyes. "And I thank you in advance for the salary raise."

She had to survive no matter what.


The moonless night descended upon the Bangtan mansion in silence.

Clarity ensured that her footsteps were unheard as she crept down the spiralling stairs. It was almost three in the morning, and she was woken up by her rumbling stomach. These days, it was getting incredibly hard to even have a meal in peace without some unforeseen events occurring.

Sighing internally, Clarity made her way to the kitchen. She was about to open the fridge doors when the lights suddenly flickered on. The abrupt illumination of the room scared the wits out of the poor girl as she yanked the fridge door with excessive strength. Losing her balance at the unexpected recoil, Clarity ended up stepping back in a wall-like figure.

"You seem to always be on the verge of falling."

Kim Taehyung spoke to her with a frown, his low voice echoing around the empty kitchen.

"W-what are you doing here?" Taken back by the unexpected presence, Clarity stammered in surprise. She couldn't hide her emerging frown as she stepped back from the black-haired man.

Clarity found this situation ridiculous, as it was right after she had mentioned about never being able to eat in peace.

"I was completing a request from Jin." Letting out a soft sigh, Taehyung took out a handkerchief and tossed it in the sink.

Clarity flinched at the red substance that seeped out as it stained itself with the remaining water from the counter. She subconsciously gulped as Taehyung's ocean-like pupils fixed onto hers.

"What are you doing here?"

"... I was hungry," she said.

But not anymore.

Clarity cleared her throat nervously, sneaking a glance at the handkerchief in the sink before affirming that it was, indeed, covered in blood.

Taehyung's role in the original story was never specified to the reader, but it was deductible that it was one full of violence. With CEO Seokjin, Hacker Yoongi, Strategist Namjoon, Networker Hoseok, Celebrity Jimin, and Informant Jungkook, someone had to be the active executor of the plans.

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