Chapter Six

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I was talking to Emily when Meigs came up to me and tapped my shoulder.

"Did you drive yourself?" He asks me.

A devilish smirk spread across my face. "Yeah," I giggle.

"Did you drive your dads car?" He's getting anxious.

"Yeah. Wanna ride with me?" I ask."

"Yes!" He says.

"Awesome, let's go!" I smile.

We all head to the front door. "So I'm riding with Morgan and Colton is riding with Emily," Meigs states.

"Yes Meigs we've already established this!" Emily snaps.

I roll my eyes at her. She can be so ridiculous sometimes.

"You drove yourself?" Colton asks me.

"Yep," I smile.

"It's her dad's Mustang," Meigs anxiously said.

"You drive a Mustang?" He asks shocked.

"Yeah, it's the one right over there," I point to the car.

"Shot gun!!" Colton yells and runs towards the car.

"No!" Meigs runs after him.

I laugh. Emily didn't find it funny though. She'd be driving by herself and she made it pretty clear that she didn't like it.

But I got both boys, and there's nothing she can do about it. Victory is mine!

I get Meigs situated in the back seat and start the car. This was going to be interesting getting out of here, I have a huge truck parked next to me and a huge truck parked behind me.

I roll the windows down and Colton's dad comes over to my window. "Colton you behave, mind Bridget's parents and don't get into trouble," he says.

"Yes sir."

"And Morgan," he points at me, "make sure he behaves for me," he smirks.

"Yes sir," I laugh.

I somehow get out of my parking spot without hitting anything and we're on the way to the house.

I couldn't believe Colton was sitting right next to me. I have so many butterflies going absolutely mad in my stomach. I wanted to drive safe to impress him but the adrenaline was making it a little hard at times.

"Is this a convertible?" Colton asked.

"Yes," Meigs answered.

"We should put the top down!" Colton lit up.

"No!" I said.

"We totally should!" Meigs chimed in.

"No! Im not putting the top down!" I demand.

"Please, it'll be awesome! Come on Morgan," Colton begged me.

God he was so cute. I couldn't say no to him. I could feel this uncanny happiness rising inside me.

"Okay, okay fine. I'll put the top down," I give in.

"Yes!!" They both say victoriously.

I pull into my churches parking lot.

The song "Cool Kids" by Echosmith was playing on the radio.

I unhitched the part that kept the top connected to the car and pressed the button to open the top. As I was lip singing along with the radio, it was at the part towards the end when everything else stops and the lead singer is left singing and drums are playing in the background. As the top was slowly going down and the song was filling my ears I look over and lock eye contact with Colton.

His eyes are so warm. It makes me want to curl up in his arms and lay with him forever. A huge smile grew on my mouth and I couldn't stop smiling. I couldn't stop thinking about Colton. I just couldn't get enough of him.

We continue to stare at each other and I take in all of his features. The way his brown hair was falling perfectly onto his forehead and just everything caused this feeling to surface in my stomach.

It felt like my stomach was on fire. It didn't matter that Meigs was in the backseat, it didn't matter that we were in my church's parking lot, all that mattered was that in that moment, with the music playing and the smile on Colton's face, I fell in love.

I knew in that moment that I loved Colton. I was almost jumping because my stomach was just on fire.

I had to head to the house. No matter how badly I wanted to stay in that moment forever, we had to go.

I put the car into drive and we were on our way to the house again.

With the wind blowing through my hair, all of the way back I kept going back to that moment in the parking lot. Those 15 or so seconds of absolute bliss. Indescribable moments. My stomach hasn't lost that fire yet.

A couple of minutes later we pulled into Bridget's twisty driveway and I parked right behind Emily. The boys got out of the car while I put the top back up and locked everything into place.

I got out of the car to find Colton waiting for me on the other side of my car.

"You're a horrible driver," he laughs.

"Shut up," I joke.

"Make me."

I walk straight towards him and get right in his face, "Do you really want me to," I ask.

He didn't say anything but we were so close our noses were touching. I wanted to kiss him so badly, he was right there. I pulled away before I did anything. Why didn't I just kiss him? He was right there!

I lean back in the backseat to retrieve my bags and pillow. "Come on freshie, we need to go inside," I say lightly swatting his butt.

He grabs his butt and groans a little. He's such a tease.

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