Chapter Fourteen part one

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I honestly had a lot of fun yesterday with Colton. He made me feel important and like I was the only girl in the world. And I will be completely honest, when we cuddled while playing on his Xbox that ignited that fire feeling again. It was like every inch of me from head to toe was just in this blissful state. I felt like we were back in my car that night of Bridget's birthday party.

The sound of my phone ringing interrupted my thoughts of yesterday. Picking up my phone to see who texted me I notice a very familiar name. Colton.

Speaking of the devil himself. I unlocked my phone to see what he said.

From Colton:

You free tonight?

What does he have up his sleeve now?

To Colton:

I don't know, you tell me ;)

Where could he possibly want to take me? Maybe we're going to the planetarium at our local community college, I've always wanted to go there. Or maybe we're going back to Splitz where we were for Bridget's birthday party.

The sound of my phone ringing interrupted my thoughts yet again.

From Colton:

Be ready by 7. Wear something casual and shoes that you can walk a while in

Where could we be going at 7 o'clock on a Sunday night?

To Colton:

See you then

Holy crap! It's 5:30! I need to start figuring out what I'm gonna wear!

"Mom! I'm going out with Colton at 7!" I yell across the house to my mom.

"Where are y'all going?" She asks walking into my room.

I begin to sort through my closet trying to find something to wear.

"I have no idea, he just told me to be ready by 7 and to wear something casual."

"Well then you better start getting ready. 7 will sneak up on you quickly."

"That's why I'm up and looking through my closet mother." I swear sometimes that woman is so unobservant.

An hour later I had my hair curled and my make up done. I decided on a baby blue shirt with a white scarf, black skinny jeans and my brown boots that went up to around my knees. I threw my curls over my shoulders and looked into my mirror proud of what I accomplished in an hour. I had 30 minutes until Colton was due to be here. I jump onto my bed and grab my phone beginning to flip through my Facebook feed trying to calm my nerves.

15 minutes later I hear my mom yell, "Morgan someone is here for you!"

I look at the clock on my phone and it reads 6:45. He's early.

I grab my wallet and push my cell phone into my back pocket. Taking a look at myself one last time I hear, "Morgan did you hear me?"

"Of course I did!" I yell back as I walk down the stairs.

As I round the corner towards the front door Colton seemed enlightened by my appearance. He couldn't take his eyes off of me and he couldn't seem to wipe this huge smile off his face. "Hi," he nervously spit out.

"Hi," I smiled and hugged him.

"I'll see you in a few hours mom," I hugged her good bye.

"You have loads of fun!" She winked at Colton. What was that about? I'll worry about it later.

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