Chapter Three

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"Let's go!" Meigs points towards the door.

We all pill out of the house and head to the cars. I had to race Meigs to Emily's truck in order to get shotgun, as usual. And as usual, I won.

"You two behave," Emily ordered.

"That's never gonna happen," I laugh and hit Meigs on the arm.

"Ouch!" He hits me back.

"Do you two wanna walk?" Emily threatens.

"She hit me first!" Meigs accused.

"I don't care," Emily laughs.

She unlocks the doors and as usual mine doesn't unlock so I'm stuck waiting outside. "Oh you want me to unlock your door?" Emily asks me.

"Just a little," I answer while Meigs and Colton are laughing at me.

"Be nice to Meigs and I'll open the door," she says.

"Okay fine I'll be nice!" I say.

She leans across the seat and unlocks the door. I get in the car and lean back hitting Meigs on the leg. "Ouch!" He yells.

"Morgan!" Emily slaps my arm.

"Woman!" I yell.

"You violent people," Colton laughs.

I turn around and give him the cutest, flirtiest smile I could try and manage. He blushed at me and smiled back.

"Be nice," Emily said.

"Being nice is no fun," I say in a baby voice and cross my arms.

"Well suck it up buttercup." Her signature saying is 'suck it up buttercup'. She uses it on everyone and everyone ends up using it one way or another.

We head to the rec. center. "Colton, where did you say your parents were gonna be?" Emily asks.

"I think he said he was gonna be over here," he said and started to walk to the other side of the building. We found Colton's parents and his sister setting up chairs and blankets on the ground when we found them.

We just kinda hung around and talked to friends while we were waiting for the fireworks to start. I wanted to sit by Colton so badly. Bridget caught me staring at him a lot and stopped me before he saw.

Emily and I were talking to Colton's dad. "I wish I had Colton's number so I could bug him some more," I say to Emily, joking around.

"Same," she laughs.

"352," his dad starts.

"No dad! Don't!" Colton says.

Emily and I grab our phones and put his number in and text him. "Muhaha now I can bug you," I say to Colton. He gives me the eye in return.

I have a major crush on this guy. I can't possibly be falling for him so quickly. It's not possible. "Hey Bridget," I lean forward.

"Yes," she scoots towards me.

I bend down to where my mouth was right by her ear, "What grade is Colton in?"

"9th," she answers.

9th grade! No, he can't be! That's not possible. I'm in 12th grade, why does the world have to plot against me? Ugh! "You have got to be kidding me," I say.

"No, he's in the same grade Meigs is, they went to middle school together," she explains.

"Well crap," I say, slouching in my chair.

"What are you all down about?" Colton's dad asks me.

"Oh nothing," I answer.

Well that's a shame. I'd be trying my hardest to get him to like me if he wasn't, well dang. I guess it doesn't hurt to have a little crush?

"You're lying," Colton's dad pushes me.

"No, I'm not," I giggle.

"Are you upset because you like my son?"

"Oh totally," I joke. I said it in a joking manner but little did he know that I was actually telling the truth.

The fireworks started and I was sitting in between Colton and his dad. I've been talking a lot with Colton's dad and he's really funny. I like him. His mom seems really sweet too. Their whole family is so nice. I just wish Colton wasn't so young.

The fireworks ended and I was dog tired. Emily, Meigs, me, and Colton walked back to the truck.

Colton was saying how he could carry me and I didn't believe him, I'm skinny but I'm big boned so I'm a little heavy in places and I feel like I'd crush him. "Come on just hop on, I won't drop you," he tried to persuade me to let him give me a give me a piggy back ride.

"I know you won't drop me but I'm just scared that I'm gonna crush you," I tell him.

"Just shut up and hop on," he orders.

Feisty one.

We all stop and I jump on his back. He didn't grunt or anything, which I liked, and we started walking to the car again. He carried me a pretty fair distance until I forced him to put me down. I was just too scared I was gonna hurt him.

We got to the truck and yet again I had to race Meigs to the passenger door to get shotgun, I won by the way, and we headed back to Bridget's house. We joked and sang along with the radio all the way back. I wish Colton was spending the night with everybody else. His sister is getting antsy though and she wants to go home and I guess they didn't make any previous arrangements to stay. Oh well, there's always next time.

Saying bye to him and watching him leave Bridget's house was probably the saddest feeling I've felt in a while. I have no idea when I'm gonna see this guy again. Watching someone leave and not knowing when you're gonna see them again to me is one of the worst pains. But it always makes the moment when you get the privilege to see them again so much better.

I was about to head to bed when I checked my phone and I had a new text. From Colton. My stomach erupted with butterflies and I was shaking when I texted him back.

Hi, he responded.

Hey, you got home I'm guessing lol, I said.

Yeah, and I'm really tired so I think I'm gonna go to bed.

You didn't seem tired when you left lol.

A lot can happen in a short car ride lol.

Sleep is for the weak, I say.

Then I must be very weak lol.

Must be lol, I'll bug you some more tomorrow. Go to bed.

"Good night," he said.

"Good night."

He's so nice. Why does he have to be so young?

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