Chapter Five

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"Drive careful! You know how to get to Splitz right?" My mom asks me.

"Yes mother," I sigh.

"And you have all of your stuff?"

"Yes mother."

"Okay, text us when you get there and when you head to Bridget's house okay?" My mom hugs me and kisses the top of my head.

"I will. I promise," I smile at her.

"I love you mom," I say before I close the door to the garage. It's August and Bridget's birthday party is tonight at Splitz bowling center. I've personally never been there but it's bowling and I get to make a fool out of myself, so naturally I was all for it.

I'm taking my dad's car since I don't have a car yet. I decided to take dad's cause Meigs loves dad's car and he's been begging me to give him a ride for a very long time! Did I mention my dad owns a Ford Mustang?

I hop in the car and head to Splitz. I was so excited cause I was getting to spend the night at Bridget's house again after the party!

I was almost there. I was stopped at a red light that I knew I was going to be at for a while and I sent Emily a quick text saying that I'll be there in a minute. While I was still at the light my phone dinged signaling that I received a text. Expecting it to be Emily, my eyes just about came out of their sockets in complete shock to find that it was Colton who texted me.

What is he texting me for?

I open it and he said hi. I was about to text him back when I got another text saying the same thing. Then another. And another. He was spamming me.

The light turned green so I had to put my phone down. I wonder why he was texting me now. What made him decide to text me? I decided that he was probably trying to play some game with me so I wasn't going to text him back.

I park my car and head to the building.

Once I was inside I had no idea where I was supposed to go. I went off to the side and pulled out my phone to text Emily and ask where everyone was when I heard someone yell, "Morgan!".

I looked up to find Emily walking towards me. "Oh that's funny, I was just about to text you," I laugh.

"Yeah I was watching for you," she laughed. "Follow me, we're at the very back."

We started walking towards the back of the building. "Dude, the weirdest thing happened," I started, "I was at the red light just up the street and low and behold Colton texts me."

"Really? That's weird," she responds.

"Yeah I know, I'm gonna text him but I decided that he was just playing some game with me and decided it wasn't necessary," I say.

"He's here ya know."

My stomach does a flip and I stop right in my tracks. "Excuse me?"

"Colton is here," Emily says, pointing to where everyone was.

I could feel my heart pumping faster and faster by the second. I started to breathe heavy. "Morgan are you okay?" Emily asked.

"Yeah I'm fine, I just didn't know he was going to be here. Do I look okay?" I started rambling.

"Honey you look fine," she replies.

Well fine isn't good enough.

I take a deep breath and started to head to where everyone was.

"Morgan!" I hear Bridget.


She runs into my arms and hugs me. "Happy Birthday!" I say.

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