Chapter Seven

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Me, Colton, Emily, Colton's sister Katherine, and LeeNor from Fourth of July were spending the night at Bridget's and Meigs' house.

It was around one in the morning and we were all wide awake.

"I'm hungry," I comment.

"I am too," LeeNor chimes in.

"We have chips?" Bridget offered.

"Chips are boring," Colton said.

"I can make Mac and cheese?" Meigs said.

"Yes!!" I sit up and say as quietly as I could without screaming. Bridget's parents were supposed to be asleep down the hall, whether they were or not is the question.

Meigs goes to the stove and started to make it. 15 minutes later the water was boiling over and going all over the stove. "Meigs what happened?!" Bridget came into the kitchen freaking out.

"I don't know, I went away for a second and it just started boiling over," he spat.

"Oh God you burned it too," I put my hand over my nose.

The water burnt and it was all over the stove. "Nice going Meigs," Colton chuckled.

"Oh shut up," Meigs spat and walked away angrily.

Poor Bridget had to clean the stove now. While everyone went back to what they were originally doing I stayed with Bridget in the kitchen and kept her company. I offered to help many times but she declined every time.

When she was done I went into the living room and watched Colton play guitar hero on their Wii for a little while. He's really good. Better than what I could ever do. He plays some of the hardest songs and hits every note perfectly.

"Morgan!" Bridget calls me.

"Yes hon?"

"Come get your Mac and cheese!"

"Yas!" I say, getting up and retrieving my bowl. "You're a saint!" I laugh taking the bowl from her hands. I don't know what it is about early hours of the day and hunger but I always seem to be starving when I stay up this late.

"Wait I want some!" Colton said when I got back into the living room.

He was playing a game so he couldn't get up. "Open your mouth," I said.

He did as I said and I gingerly put the fork in his mouth. He ate it and thanked me.

For some unknown reason that got me really giddy again, and that fire feeling returned.

I sat on one of their chairs and ate my food while staring at him. I took in every inch of him. Any flaw he could possibly posses, and found nothing that could possibly be a flaw.

By now Katherine passed out. She's always the first to fall asleep so I wasn't a bit surprised.

"What do y'all want to do?" Bridget asked.

"How about we watch a movie?" Emily offered.

"Sound okay?" Bridget asked everyone.

We all agreed and moved into the living room. Bridget shuffled through Netflix as we tried to come to a conclusion on what to watch.

After about five minutes of searching we decided on 'White Chicks'. I've never seen it but based off of Colton's reaction, it sounds funny.

Colton and Meigs were laying on the somewhat bed Bridget made out of blankets and pillows, I was sitting perpendicular to them with my back against the couch, and Sabrina and everyone else was sitting on the other side of the living room.

We all snuggled in and we're ready to laugh our butts off. The movie started and Colton's leg was a few inches from my foot. So I decided to take a chance and place my feet on his leg. He kinda jumped a little at the contact and when I looked at him to make sure it was okay, to my relief, he smiled at me.

I did something right!

After a little while I got uncomfortable and had to move my feet but the movie was absolutely hilarious!

I was trying so hard not to laugh too loud. This is the funniest movie I have ever seen! Who ever came up with this is a genius!

Throughout the movie we all kinda shifted and moved around. I'm in a chair now, Colton is on the ground next to me, Meigs is next to him, and Bridget, Emily, and LeeNor are laying on the makeshift bed thing.

It's about the middle of the movie, I have my hand hanging off the side of the chair. To my complete and utter surprise, Colton starts playing with my fingers. He's drawing small circles on my index finger and twirling his fingers between mine.

I've never had someone play with my fingers before. It's kinda cute and I kinda like it. It sends my heart and stomach into a frenzy and I just stare at him and smile. He's so sweet.

I try and grab his hand but he quickly pulls away and we laugh at each other. Then he does it again, and I try to grab his hand again and he slips through my grip. He does it a couple more times before he doesn't anymore.

By the end of the movie, it's 5 a.m. and I'm tired. I made my way to the floor and laid on my tummy.

Sometime between 5 and 6 we all passed out.

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