Chapter Four

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The next morning I woke up to the sound of Bridget's dad making breakfast for all of us who spent the night. As I zombie walked to the bathroom to put my hair up and splash  a little cold water on my face to wake me up I couldn't help but recollect the previous night.

I recalled all of the faces me and Colton made at each other and the few conversations we had. I seem to have formed a small smile on my face unknowingly. But that smile grew bigger as I checked my phone to find that I had two texts from Colton already.

Hi, the first text said.

And, I guess you aren't awake yet, was the second one.

I'm awake now, I respond.

Girl it's like 10 o'clock in the afternoon!


I woke up at like 6.

Well that's your problem lol.

We talked all day after Bridget's party. I figured out that he's a really big flirt. I actually expanded a little and tried to flirt myself, and I wasn't all too bad in my own opinion.

I really enjoyed talking to him, he was really sweet and my interest in him was growing by the second.

We talked about him joining his high school's marching band and how fun it's going to be. At least I'll be able to see him at competitions and stuff. That's a plus for me. I found out that he's a percussionist. Like he plays drums.

The bad thing about seeing him at competitions is that we won't be able to talk. We'll be with our separate bands and based on past years our bands are never near each other so it's gonna be rare when I even see him. I'll be lucky if I'm able to see him at all. At least it's better than nothing.

One day after school I was texting him and he seemed like he didn't want to talk to me. So I asked if I was annoying him and he said a little.

That kinda hurt me a little given how much I began to like him. It was more like a stab to the stomach feeling. I wanted to cry a little because it was just a rude awakening to me. Does he not like me? Why wouldn't he?

Do I really have feelings for someone who doesn't feel anything back?

There's nothing I can really do I guess. All I can  do is leave him alone and let him come to me.

It was hard to do that. I would have to resist texting him and sometimes thinking about him. But some nights, I'd be up late because I couldn't stop thinking about him, wondering what he was doing, wondering what he was thinking, wishing he was thinking about me.

I stay up so many nights wishing that if he ever thought about me that a smile would grow on his face.

I spend my days wishing you were here. I spend my nights imagining you were laying next to me.

As the days went by and the tension began to rise I thought about you. I couldn't get you out of my mind. I went to bed thinking about that night and woke up to the mere image of you being with me.

But you weren't.

Am I supposed to forget about you? Am I supposed to text you again? I don't know what to do.

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