"Lance, you beans didn't know, but I came here unmark you." Keith asserted.

"No, don't!" I yelled.

"Why? You probably never want to see me again..." Keith mumbled.

"Yes, I do," I replied.

"If I hadn't come here, would you come back to me?" Keith stated.

Keith's eyes glow a little brighter, and so did my arm. I remembered what I said to Hunk and Pidge about never going back. I look down in shame.

"See? Now come over here," Keith ordered.

"No!" I argued.

"You're making this more complicated than this has to be," Keith complained.

The giant reached his finger through the window to try and get me.

"Keith, I want to be with you! I don't want to lose you." I cried.

Keith sighed, and he removed his finger from the window.

"Do you really mean that and not because you are scared?" Keith asked bluntly.

"I wasn't scared I was avoiding you from snatching me." I corrected.

It was silent for a few seconds. I decided to look out my window to try and see Keith. Keith was sleeping while resting against my house. What if he breaks my house?!

I quickly run out of my room before I was stopped by Veronica.

"Where are you going?" She asked.

"Nunya," I mocked.

"Whatever, just shut up," Veronica grumbled as she walked back to her room.

I smiled and ran outside and behind my house. The giant was sound asleep. Keith's ears were droopy, and his mouth was slightly open. This is the cutest thing I've ever seen in my life!

I walk closer to the sleeping giant to wake him up.

"Keith!" I whisper yelled.

Keith shuffled and shook the ground. I began to worry that my family is going to wake up and hurt Keith.

"Keith! Wake up!" I whisper yelled again.

Keith curled up into a ball, causing the ground to tremble again.

"Please wake up!" I pleaded.

My arm started to glow yellow, and Keith immediately woke up.

"Lance, are you okay?!" Keith yelled. He quickly sat up and looked directly at me.

"Yes, but you won't if you stay," I stated.

"What do you mean?" Keith asked.

"You fell asleep, and you could have wake someone up," I complained.

"Oh... I'll leave now." Keith stammered.

"Wait, I have a question." I blurted. "My arm began to glow, and then you woke up, but why?"

"Well, marks express to the other how they are feeling. You felt anxious that I fell asleep, so I sensed it and woke up." Keith explained.

"Oh," I said with my mouth, making an o shape.

"Bye, Lance." Keith waved as he ran off.

"Bye... Keith..." I whispered.


I walked up to Pidge's locker to talk to her.

"Pidge!" I yelled.

"FUCK! Lance, you scared me." Pidge whined.

"Let's go back to Keith!" I beamed.

"Are you serious right now?" Pidge rasped.

"Well, he explained to me why he growled at you-"

"Keith can talk?!" Pidge shouted.

"Yes, anyway, he said the humans would try to kill him with guns, and your flash triggered a PTSD flashback," I explained.

Pidge stared at me like I had two heads.

"He also calls us beans for some reason," I added.

"I don't understand how that is important right now," Pidge said bluntly.

The bell rang, and I waved and ran off to class.


I was shoved into some lockers by James. He is an asshole that picks on people for fun.

"You are worthless!" James shouted as he slammed me into the lockers again.

There is a bridge connecting to the other half of the school next to the lockers. I could make an escape. I somehow wiggled out of James's grasp and run over to the bridge.

He caught me pressed me against the fence on the bridge.

"Goodbye, Lancey Lance." James mocked.

He threw me off the side, and I screamed.

Keith POV

I can sense Lance is in danger. I run to where his scent is coming from. I don't care that beans are everywhere. All that matters is Lance.

I finally spot Lance being held to the edge of the bridge. I swiftly run over and catch Lance. He sighed in relief, and I nuzzle his stomach.

"Holy shit..."

I look over, and I see the bean that tried to kill Lance. I growled and walk closer to him. The bean ran to the door to escape, and he made it right before I could catch him.

I then heard sirens coming from behind me. My ears lower to the side of my head.

"Keith, get out of here!" Lance shouted.

"Lance, I don't want to leave you." I protest.

"After that, I know that no one will mess with me," Lance assured.

I sigh and place him back on the bridge and run back to the woods. I still hear the sirens following me from a distance.

Lance POV

I get called to the principal's office to collect my stuff and go home. My mom picked me up from school, and she bombarded me with questions.

"Mama, I said I'm fine," I grumbled.

It really hurts that everyone sees Keith as a monster.

When we get home, I immediately run over to the tv and turn on the news.

"It appears that a purple giant attempted to kill a student at Altea High. Currently, the authorities are on the lookout for the giant. Back to you, Sven."

I could feel that Keith is distressed. My forearm starts glowing, and I know I need to find him now.

"Lance, ¿cómo está haciendo eso tu brazo?" Mama cried.

"Because my friend is in danger," I said as I ran out to Keith.

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