{:} Chapter 20 {:} Tesoro Mio {:} FINALE {:}

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June 5th, 1939


Caesar came downstairs from their room to hear the sound of cutting and sizzling. He took in the smell of eggs, bread, and coffee. He smiled and went to the kitchen, "There you are, amore" Y/N turned and smiled, "Buongiorno" Caesar went up to her and said, "Buongiorno." He hugged her from behind and saw she was cutting up some fruits, toast in the toaster, eggs in the pan, rusk on the table, and coffee settling in boiling water. He sighed, "What a nice smell...Will you cook breakfast for me every day? I love your cooking...But, I want to cook for you too, show you my Italian side." Y/N laughed and said, "I'll cook for you as much as you want, and I can't wait to try your cooking, tesoro." He chuckled and smiled, "Well, I can help you cook for now." Y/N raised an eyebrow and chuckled, "Alright, then...you can help with cutting the fruits, and I'll cook the eggs" He nodded and they got to work.

The two newlyweds finished cooking and set the plates down, they sat down at the table and ate. Eating and talking about their new lives in NYC and what they planned to do. They were excited about what was to come, they lived near Joseph and Suzie Q, Lisa Lisa was living by herself somewhere else in the city, and Erina and the rest moved back to where they originally were. Smokey stayed in NYC for a bit before going back to his home town in Georgia, but they remained in touch.

Caesar had gotten a new job, or well...He started a new company along with Joseph, a real estate company. But they each were the head of specific branches, for example, construction, sales, collaborations, etc. 

Y/N had also gotten a job, she became a/an (preferred occupation). She was a little new, she was focusing on her Hamon for the previous few years, so she didn't pursue what she wanted to do, so this was a new start. She was excited and ready to get into her work life.

This was...a new life for them all. An entire change. But, they loved it. They loved it very much.


Caesar held Y/N's hand as they walked through the city, looking at different buildings, the street life, and were overall enjoying this. "NYC...its quite different compared to Venice, but...I don't mind the change," Caesar said, "Especially when I'm with you" Y/N smiled and blushed a bit, licking her ice-cream, "Same here..." Caesar chuckled, "So, I heard there's going to be a ferry that'll go around the Statue Of Liberty, do you wanna go?" Y/N nodded and smiled, "Yeah, let's check it out" They headed in the direction of the place where the tickets were being sold, Caesar got them two tickets and they headed over to the dock from where they'd get on to the ferry. Around 20 minutes later, the boat arrived and they got on.

The weather was perfect, it was sunny and warm, but there was also a breeze and it made the day perfect. The two stared at the sparkling ocean, Caesar smiled and sighed, "I'm glad that...everything finished with the pillar men, they were a pain, and without you..." He looked at her and said, "I'm not sure if we'd all make it out alive...You were the one who brought me back to life, you were the one who took care of Joseph until you guys got back to the island. So...I hope you know... Without you... None of us would be where we're at right now, and that I love you, too much to express with words" Y/N smiled widely and looked down at the water, "I love you too...and without me...I'm pretty sure things would have unfolded differently, and after all, you guys defeated the pillar men, not me" Caesar smiled, "Well, for now, let's forget what happened and enjoy our day," Y/N nodded as they walked around the ferry and looked at the scenery. 

[~] Tesoro Mio [~] Caesar Zeppeli x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now