{:} Chapter 16 {:} Don't Worry About Me {:}

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I sat down beside Caesar, Messina was in another room. They needed time to let their bodies fully adjust to the sudden healing, if they didn't rest, there would be a chance everything would be undone or damage could be inflicted. 

I sighed, the wind from the cold night hitting my face. Joseph and Lisa Lisa were getting ready, I wanted to go...but I wanted to say too. So conflicted.

Caesar's eyes twitched and they started to open, I looked at him and gasped, soon, his green eyes were shining in the night as they darted across the room and fell upon me. "Caesar...?"

Suddenly, he sat up and took large gasps of air, this happens every time someone who thinks they're dead is revived. The brain gets shocked, very shocked, at the fact that it's alive. 

Caesar turned his head slowly and looked at me, "A-Amore? Where...what happened? Was it all...a dream?" I sat on the bed beside him and held his hand, "No...it...it wasn't, I revived you and healed Messina..." Caesar looked at my hand and gripped it tightly, he then hugged me tightly, the tightest he's ever hugged me, as if he was planning to never let go. I felt my shoulder becoming a bit wet, and Caesar's body shook slightly. I rubbed his back and said, "Don't cry...Y-You're gonna make me cry"

 He chuckled and let go, "I thought I lost everything..." He looked up at the ceiling and then his eyes became wide, "I have to go help Jo-" I put my hand on his chest, stopping him, "No, tesoro, you have to rest...otherwise you can become injured or maybe even....agh...just promise me you wont fight for at least a week, I know how badly you want to help Lisa Lisa and Joseph but...you can't. The hamon you gave Joseph...the bandana...he'll carry your spirit on to the fight" 

Caesar looked at me and then nodded, looking outside the window. His eyes darted back to me and a smirk was plastered on his lips. He sat up and pulled me in for a kiss, oh so passionate. But, we can't do that yet. We kissed for a bit before I pulled away, "Mm, can't do that too. Kissing is fine, but not anything further" Caesar sighed, and nodded.

 He sat against the bed's headboard and began to speak,

 "Y/N...are you going to stay with me and Messina? Or are you going to fight?" 

I looked down and sighed, "I'm not sure...I feel like I should be here to take care of you guys, but...I want to help JoJo and Lisa Lisa...what do you think I should do?"

Caesar smiled at me and said, "You feel like you should be here, but you want to help them, isn't the answer already there? This is about what you want...Messina and I can take of ourselves, it's simple to...not fight." He then looked down at his legs and let out a shaky breath, "But...fighting...has its risks...you saw what happened to me..." He then clenched his hands and continued, "I almost had him...but because my shadow fell on him he used that opportunity to use his divine sandstorm..." I reached my hand out and placed it on his cheek, "Don't beat yourself up over it...we'll be fine...it'll be fine, and you did what you could! All you should focus on is getting rest, okay?" I placed a kiss on his forehead as I stood up.

Joseph came inside, he looked at Caesar and ran to him, "Caesar...you're alright? You're not like a zombie or anything, right? You can think and stuff right?" Caesar chuckled and nodded, "Yeah...I'm alright, also...sorry about the figh-" Joseph stopped him, "Hey! I'm the one who should be sorry...I didn't know about your past, it was wrong of me to insult our grandfathers" Caesar nodded and smiled.

 Joseph got up from kneeling and looked down at me, "So, have you made a decision?" I looked away and sighed, then looked back at the two, first at Joseph, then Caesar, 

"I have...I'm gonna fight with you and Lisa Lisa" Caesar had a slightly shocked expression, one with worry all over, but also understanding. JoJo nodded and smiled, "So, I'll go tell Speedwagon to ask some people from SPW to take care of Caesar and Messina" He then headed out the door after saying, "Feel better, Caesar"

Caesar turned to look at me and smiled, "Don't worry about me" he took my hand in his, "Focus on not dying please, oh, and killing them! OH! And make sure that JoJo and Coach Lisa Lisa are safe, alright amore?" I chuckled and nodded, "Yeah, got it..."

Now...a hard fight awaits us. 

[~] Tesoro Mio [~] Caesar Zeppeli x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now