HeuUhuhe + Smol story

893 27 10


This is just a lil hiatus! I'd like a small break to gather ideas and stuff. I also rewatched BT (Battle Tendency) w/ a friend who's new to JoJo so- y e s. I've realized many mistakes that I made. Thought we were in Rome (for training) but we were in Venice sooo- and also the fact that joseph and erina were invited to NYC by speedwagon and didn't actually live there until they moved in the...40s?

aNYWAY, back to my point. I know I left yall on a cliffhanger, which....I feel...good about for some reason. I'd like to leave you with interest rather than "yeah whatever, got my answers by this b"

My bday is also coming up soooo y e e.

(Hint, its in 4 days if you're reading this on the 10th)

So y e s. This is prob max a week??

I'll still be working on it! But yknow, the next update will take a bit more time. 



10 + 10 = 20


[Kinda relevant- well, just shows a peek into future]

i WANTEd to try writing a different way...a bit more of a dark story

[still born on same dates tho]

WARNINGS: Blood, Violence, Language



(Caesar:  27; Joseph: 25; Y/N: 25)

"Y/N! Y/N! Where are you?~ You know damn well that you took something from me, and I'll take it back~ I'll even use it against you, so go ahead and hide all you want, I'll find you anyway..."

Y/N panted, her heartbeat being the second loudest thing she could hear, the loudest...were the loud footsteps. The very loud footsteps of one of her ex-friends.

His name was Nate. They were happy, but she knew something  was off, she couldn't pin point what it was, but...there was something, and she couldn't just ignore it. 

[FLASHBACK to an hour ago]

"I'll be going to my shift at the restaurant, you can stay over if you want, I'll be back at...around 5 pm?" Y/N nodded, as she looked up at Nate, the sun beamed on them, but it could barely make it warmer as the cold snow surrounded their feet and a dry, cold air surrounded them. 

"Well, I'll see you! Be safe!" Nate looked back and smiled, was it genuine? It seemed...different...compared to when she first met him. Y/N smiled back and waved. Joseph walked to Y/N and looked at her, "Something is off Y/N...something is off with that guy." Y/N looked up at him and sighed, "Yeah...I can tell, but, I'm not sure what. Is he...doing drugs? Something worse?" 

JoJo looked forward at Nate's figure, getting smaller as he walked away further and further, he sighed and said, "Let's follow him." Y/N nodded, they followed Nate, he didn't go to a restaurant. "So we were right..." said Y/N.

The two followed him and found out that he went to...a very eerie place...The walls were pitch black and had rust, there were leaks everywhere, and the footsteps of Nate echoed through the entire place. The floor had splatters on it, the splatters were red..there was a trail of red to where Nate was walking. Joseph looked at Y/N and a concerned look fell on his face, Y/N gave him a worried glance and looked back at Nate. Nate was now in the room, a light turned on in that room, it was flickering. Y/N and Joseph stepped closer to the room and peeked their heads in...the sight was truly horrifying...It was unbelievable... 

[~] Tesoro Mio [~] Caesar Zeppeli x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now