{:} Chapter 18 {:} Relief {:}

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And so...

The battle between humanity and the pillar men ended.

The Joestars had defeated another villain, the destiny tied into their veins. 

From grandfather to grandson.

Suzie Q, Joseph, and Y/N were staying in Venice, Y/N helped Suzie Q nurse Joseph back to health. Everyone was gone, they had gone back to New York, including Caesar, somehow. 

"Don't worry, they know we're coming back," said Joseph as he packed his stuff. "I told Suzie Q to leave them a message, so they know we're safe and sound." He smiled and looked at Y/N as she stood in the doorway. "That's good..." 

Y/N had offered to fix Joseph's hand, but Joseph said...

"Listen, I'd love my hand but...GERMAN TECHNOLOGY?? MY HAND WOULD BE SO P O W E R F U L"

So, he decided to let Stroheim give him an artificial hand.

Suzie Q came through the doorway, she ran up to Joseph and hugged him and then gave him a peck on the cheek. "Want me to give you guys some space?" Y/N said as she took a step out, the two nodded and Y/N chuckled as she closed the door. She went to her room and opened her purse, she then grabbed a picture, a picture of her and Caesar. 

She smiled and whispered, "I'm coming back..."


"Alright...so they're not at home, where are they?" Y/N asked, raising an eyebrow. Joseph went to someone to ask and came back, "They're attending a funeral." Suzie Q pouted, "That's sad..."

Y/N nodded, "Well, let's go there then!"

Vroom, Vroom, Vroooooom

"Alright, we're here... let's be sure to not make a ruckus," Y/N said as she got out of the car and helped Suzie Q get out as well. "You hear me, JoJo?-" She turned to look at him and saw him already there. "Agh!" She fast-walked just in time to get there when he put his hands over Erina's eyes and asked her, "Guess who?" 

"JoJo! Don't do this at a funeral, show some respect!" Y/N said as she swatted him. The entire crowd, Erina, Lisa Lisa, Smokey, Caesar, Messina, Speedwagon, everyone turned to look at the two. "JoJo....Y/N...." Caesar said, "You guys are alive?!" Smokey said, "Who said we were dead?" Y/N asked, she then turned to the graves they were standing in front of. 


Joseph Joestar






"What...we were never dead!" Joseph and Y/N said. Everyone was in complete shock. Suzie Q came, and they talked, also explaining that they got married, Joseph got mad over the fact that Suzie Q never gave them the message, Suzie Q ran away, and he ran after her. 

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