{:} Chapter 7 {:} One Heart, Two Souls {:}

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3rd POV

It was evening on a Tuesday when Caesar heard loud laughs and loud, fast footsteps. The laughs were of Joseph and Y/N, he couldn't help but feel jealous. He understood that they were friends before-hand, but he could never stop the feeling of jealousy that sparked in him every time he saw the duo having fun, laughing together, he wanted that with Y/N...he deeply wanted Y/N. He had the courage to confess but wasn't sure if the time was right. 

"What if Y/N likes him instead..." Caesar accidentally mumbled out, Suzie Q happened to be right there, she walked towards him and said, "Sounds like you like Y/N~" she slided next to him. Caesar was sitting at his desk, his elbow resting on the table, his forehead resting on his hands. 

"Caesar...are you afraid?" He perked up, "What? Signorina, I'm not afraid at all" Suzie sighed and sat on the desk beside him, "Then why don't you tell her?" she asked. He thought and responded, "I feel like she might be interested in Joseph...they're just so comfortable with each other, which makes me think...should I wait until she's like that with me?" 

Suzie chuckled, "Oh, mio caro amico* she's like that with you too! But...you may not realize it" She continued, "I've noticed she has her own different ways with people, the more you know her, the longer you know her, the more comfortable she'll get, but you...you have only known her for a year or two and yet, she's so comfortable with you, it seems like you're also a friend of Y/N's from her childhood..."

Caesar got up from his seat, and thanked Suzie Q as he rushed outside to find JoJo and Y/N. 

Joseph and Y/N were holding something, popsicles, JoJo's face smothered in a blue-ish colour and Y/N's in a red colour. Both of them were laughing, Caesar approached the two, "O-Oh, Caesar!" Joseph turned his face around to not face him, hiding his colored face. Y/N looking directly at him stifling a laugh, Caesar chuckled when he saw them, "JoJo, I've already seen you" Joseph turned around slowly and looked at him and then suddenly,  all of them broke out laughing. 

"How did this even happen?" Caesar asked, "Well~ JoJo decided to fuel up these popsicles with hamon, and they..kinda exploded-" Joseph interrupted, "Hey! Not entirely my fault, you added your little repelling thing in too!" Y/N giggled, Caesar suddenly started to blush, seeing her laugh, his angel, his delicate flower that made him fall head over heels, truly made him feel joy. 

Joseph noticed this, and suddenly said, "Hey, Caesar...you're blushing...is it because of me?" Y/N turned her head to see Caesar, blushing, for an unknown reason. "Obviously not because of you!" Y/N and Joseph quickly washed their faces to get rid of the colour.

"Then who is it?" Joseph asked. "Its- no one! Y/N's popsicle hamon thing got over me..." Caesar mumbled, Y/N knew the real reason why he blushed, it melted her heart. It made her feel butterflies in her stomach, it made her feel delighted to know that...Caesar blushed because of her. Suddenly, she started to blush too. Joseph noted that too, "Y/N~ Are you blushing because of me?" Joseph asked, he obviously knew it wasn't him. 

"I-I...uh.." She scrambled to get words together, but all that came out were stutters, she couldn't tell the truth, she couldn't just say, "Caesar made me blush, the fact that he blushed because of me melted my heart"  That would be embarrassing, she just looked away, hiding her face. "Some questions are better left unanswered," she thought.

When Caesar saw that, he blushed EVEN MORE. When Y/N saw that he blushed more because she blushed, SHE BLUSHED MORE. They were a blushing couple. Joseph saw this and was mildly amused, but also annoyed, "Just say it...admit it..you guys like each other! GET ME OUTTA HEREEE"  Were the thoughts of JoJo as he saw the chaos unfold, he slowly stepped away and just- ran. Ran all the way to Suzie Q and told her everything. 

Back to the couple. Caesar finally spoke, "Lets...I'll admit it..."  He stepped forward, the sun setting, the sky filled with colours like orange, and pink, and purple, blue, yellow, as if it were a canvas painted in an abstract form. The clouds looked poofy and fluffy, they kinda looked like marshmallows, but in a way different shape. The perfect sunset sky. 

Caesar stepped close to Y/N, who was now looking up at him because of the height difference, wondering if he was going to say what she wanted him to say. 

"Tesoro Mio, I've always loved you...ever since the day you told me your beautiful name, Y/N, I fell in love with you. I started to flirt less and less, I wanted to give you my all, and I still want to. I barely even focus on the girls that are fond of me, I focus on you, and...I want us to have something, something special..." 

Y/N couldn't believe what she was hearing, she couldn't believe it, she was suddenly filled with an overwhelming amount of happiness, she hugged Caesar tightly and said, "I feel the same way towards you.." She burrowed her face in his chest, happy, completely happy, wishing this moment could last forever. Caesar looked down at her and whispered, "Ora posso chiamarti amore mio perché sei davvero mio"* in a sweet, loving tone. Y/N had learned a lot of Italian since she arrived, so she understood, and blushed.

 She looked up at him, he looked down at her and leaned down to kiss her, she stood on her tip-toes, this moment... they had waited for it to happen for so long and it was finally going to happen, they'd finally kiss each other. The couple's lips met and entranced each other, it felt like it lasted forever, but it only lasted for a few seconds. 

When they finally pulled away, the two stared at each other and went back to hugging, the sun setting in the distance...

This was the best day of both of their lives. 

Oh, mio caro amico = Oh, my dear friend

Ora posso chiamarti amore mio perché sei davvero mio = Now I can call you my love because you truly are mine


"Do it...DO IT...YES!" JoJo and Suzie high-fived each other and hugged, they had succeeded in making Caesar and Y/N finally get together. Until- They realized they were hugging.

Suzie Q's thoughts:  "I'm hugging a hot guy- like Y/N...she's hugging a hot guy too, are we connected?- wait- SAVE ME OH IM GONNA BLUSH"

JoJo's thoughts: "I can feel Suzie heating up, oh no, IM GONNA BLUSH NONO THIS AGAIN SAVE ME CEASARINO"

Thanks for reading! <3

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