Chapter Six

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"Okay c-class..." stuttering nervously Erratum sweat as he scanned over his students, mostly the ones that looked identical to his friends at home though. This was... awkward to say the least. "My n-name i-is Mr. Erratum" he introduced, "today we'll be h-having intr-oductions- any questions?"

One kid raised their hand- Xtale Chara. "Y-Yes?" "Why is your jacket all torn up? Did you get into a fight or something?" Wow, straight to the point aren't they? Flinching a bit at the question Erratum struggled to keep his composure as he exhaled deeply. "Yeah, not a big d-deal though" He shrugged dismissively, noticeably changing the topic quickly. What? It was a sensitive subject for him.

"Any mor-e?"

"What happened to your ribs?" Oh jeez, he almost forgot about that. These kids have no respect for other people's privacy do they?- pfft. That was kinda expected, he wasn't gonna lie. "Fell off a building by accident-" "HOLY F- Why the HELL are you not at a- I don't know- HOSPITAL then?!" "W-wo-ah kid, y-our gonn-a give m-me a hear-t attack don't y-yell-- any-ywho th-ats my business- and m-mine al-one." Snapping a bit at the last part he groaned. "Any questions that don't i-involve my h-health or appearance?"

Alphys raised her hand, "Yeah!- oops sorry.. Anyways are y-you by a-any chance related to M-Mr. Error- PE t-teacher?" Oh fuck his counterpart was here too-?! Just his luck... "Who? N-no, I'm afraid not. I don't know anyone of that name." "Sorry, I just wanted to ask..." "I-it's alright, anyways class d-dismissed I gu-ess?" Hearing the bell ring just on time students began toppling out the door one after another. He barely did anything- but this was exhausting. Taking a seat at his chair he rested his head on his desk without a clue of what to do next. He couldn't go home, he had nowhere to go. He was stuck, so what now? Where would he go? Taking a bite of the slightly melted candy he'd wandered with the whole day Erratum sighed, closing his eyes.

"Are you sure someones still there? Even the principle Annoying Dog left already, what makes you think they haven't as well?" "Come onnn we gotta at least check-"

Was that... other Ink? "Hello?" "Hey I hear someone!" Hearing the door creak open Error- Erratum I mean sat up. "H-hey- aren't you the g-guy I ran in-to earli-er t-t-today? Ink r-ight?" "Erratum?" Grinning (Naj)Ink waved, "You work here too now?" "Y-yeah, gu-ess so" "Funny! Anyways sorry we couldn't have a proper introduction, so lets start!" "O-Okay.?" "Great! Come on guys!"

"Nightmare, nice to meet you- I'm the history teacher."

"Dream- astrology teacher! Nice to meet you!"

"-And then there's Fika, Goth, Mettaton, Error, Geno, and Reaper etc butttttt they didn't really want to stick around this late hehe, anyways now that that's all cleared-" "What are y-you though?" "O-oh! I'm the Art Teacher!"

'Pfft- as to be expected from an Ink.'

Snorting Erratum gave them a smile, "Welp it was nice meeting you, it's getting dark" "You too! See you tomorrow!" "By-e!"

"You have hots for him don't you Ink?"

"W-wha-t?! Oh hush Dream, I don't!"


Word Count: 518

Error In The Multiverse (Fgod(?)) [in process of editing ==>>]Where stories live. Discover now