Explaining da voices, fate, and ink boi

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Alright, so I know in many concepts ya'll voices just be arses, mine no exception- but lets understand WHO these voices are okay? To clear things up a bit. After all, I hate bein biase qwq

So many of the voices in particular are actually the souls that hang in the antivoid, tied in place with Error's strings. The Genocide Charas, Frisks, and other humans from the AUs or timelines. Error- *COUgH* I mean Errattum disliked killing pacifists later in his life, only ever doing so in the past because it reminded him of the happiness and joy he could never get. the frustration and sadness he felt was overwhelming at the time, leading him to temporary insanity. So most of the souls are indeed genocides after they deleted their timeline. The good souls were kept nevertheless, as he decided to do his best and forget about them due to sorrow. Even if he DID release them, their world was permanantly gone. Even their DETERMINATION couldn't help that. Yet, he never explained it to the pacifists, so because they (the souls) wanted to go home so badly, they too started joining the voices screaming at Erratum. Not to destroy, but that he was a horrible, horrible person who should just die. 

The souls torment him because they too, are scared, traumatized, and clueless. While they did kill hundreds, MILLIONS of monsters when they resetted they were, remember, controlled by the player, and even later on HATE that clouded their minds.  Unbeknownst to the ones who could return to their AU, if released, would just end up right back into the player's palm. So thats a no no there. Anywho in summary Erratum captured the souls to prevent their world from coming back, although not and not really needing to crush the world's codes to seal the process. the fallen children  are oblivious to their situation, acting upon their own negative feelings as voices,  Erratum feels that they're justified- not really thinking he even has the right to tell them off in any manner despite occasionally doing it when it becomes too much for even him. 

YEt.. the kids are just the voices in the anti void. 

Fate also plays a role here.

Fate, just as her name, makes the FATE of each and every person of the multiverse (notice theres no s here). She creates the hateful voices that follow Error, hainting his head (as you might've already known),

Reason for this?

Well, simpily, she was angry. Not at Error, but at Destiny, the person she shares control over the multiverse with.  Destiny had made so many CLASSIC universes in the multiverse, claiming each and every as her own. Yet, whenever Fate tried to make something however Destiny would start yelling and crying, telling her that she wasn't 'allowed to' 'interfere' and that she'd tell the other 'deities' about this.

Only able to create ONE tale as she hoped she was able to hide it, Fate decided to make INK, in INKTALE. Caring for them all deeply she made sure they would stay happy as possible, with good fortune and oblivion (how naive depending on the monsters) to the darkness of the multiverse.

When Destiny found it while she was away however, she (destiny) was FURIOUS- smashing it into pieces and crushing it in rage- although regretting her actions minutes later. Trying to fix it with the best of abilities, she made, instead of the monsters just disappearing, get launched away out of the universe and into their multiverse to be lost in unconsciousness.

As you coulda guessed when Fate found only Ink, the 'sans' of her world, alone and sitting in the empty white remains of her fantasy she was outraged- filled with betrayal over her sister's actions. Picking him up she found, not only did he not have a home anymore, but no soul either.

So.. im lazy so in short she decided to give him paints (the  way ink's au originally gave em) and gave him the ability to, as her revenge on Destiny, make as many AUs as he pleased- with no full understanding of his actions. Lotta AUs bullsheep Fate take 1 geno and make Error blah blah blah Error and Ink become friends then not ffriends anymore for hard feelings reasons bllah blah blah manipulated to make error destroy shiz ink loose memories (destiny gave memory loss and that resulted in ink's bad memory) blah blah..

want somethiing to be further explaimed? just coment or smthin im too tired for thisf rn sorry y :'p

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